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AN: Well, here's the next part. I hope you like it!!!!

"Did you try the doors?" I asked Augustus. He nodded his head.

"I tried all of them. They're stuck from rolling, I guess. How about your door?" He asked. I pushed on my door, trying to get it open, but no such luck. I shook my head.

"Mine won't open, either." I told him. He groaned, then looked at the windshield, which had been cracked during everything.

"If I can crack all of it, then I can hopefully get out, then help you out." He said. I shook my head.

"No! Your leg is so bad!" I protested. He chuckled.

"You're worse off then me, Hazel Grace. Your oxygen tank is on the brink of not working. I think you should leave this to me." He said. I suddenly had an idea.

"Our phones! Did you try your's?" I asked him. He took his phone out of his pocket and showed me the cracked screen and how it wouldn't turn on.

"I guess it messed the screen up to the point it won't turn on." He told me. I took mine out of my pocket and saw the same thing had happened to mine.

"So, we're back to me bashing out the windshield." He told me, with a slight smile on his face. He got up on top of the dashboard, and slammed his fist into the windshield a couple of times, until there was a big enough hole for him to climb out of. I looked at his hand and saw it was all bloodied up- way to go, Augustus.

"I'll climb out onto the hood of the car, then hand me your oxygen tank and then I'll help you out." He told me. I nodded. I watched him drag his left leg out, and saw in the light how worse it was then I originally thought.

"Your turn." He said, as I handed him the oxygen tank. I climbed into his arms and he lowered me to the ground.

"Gus, your leg is bad." I told him. He smiled at me.

"I now notice, you only call me 'Gus' in dangerous situations."(1) He said. I laughed a small laugh.

"Well, this is a dangerous situation, and you basically only listen to me when I call you Gus when it's something serious happening to you. Even then,  you don't listen!" I told him. He laughed.

"That's just because I'm so stubborn." He said. I nodded my head in agreement.

"That you are." I said. He stopped in his tracks, which made me bump into him. "What?" I asked, then stopped. I looked up and saw the huge hill we had to climb to get back up to the main road. I groaned in frustration. Could this get any worse?!


1) I just said this because I thought "Hey, why don't we just say she only calls him Gus in dangerous situations?" Not that that is true. (Although, it could be! You never know!)

So, hope you liked it! I might update again today if I feel like it. If not, I will definitely update again tomorrow :)

TFIOS: Hurting Does Hurt Chapter OneWhere stories live. Discover now