A Day to Remember

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Chapter 23: A Day To Remember

I stare up at the suspiciously overly-white ceiling of the Delacours' sixth spare bedroom, which I'm sharing with Dom and Lily, wondering if I'm ever going to fall asleep. I can see the whiteness very clearly now because the sun is coming up, but I'm yet to get one wink of sleep. I don't even feel tired. Every time I look at my watch - or should I say, watches (I have them both on, one on my right arm and one on my left) - I find that another ten minutes have passed, then another twenty until eventually it's seven o'clock. I feel sort of light-headed due to hunger and lack of sleep, but I just keep staring and staring at that white ceiling until eventually I decide to roll out of the bed and go for a walk.

I pull on an old pair of jeans that I have magically expanded and a plain white t-shirt and don't even bother putting on shoes. It seems when you're in the depths of depression and tiredness, shoes are fairly trivial items of clothing to remember to put on. I use the word depression - I'm not exactly depressed. You'd think I would be. You'd think that after everything that has happened in the last six months I'd be glued to my bed, not talking to anyone and painting emotional pictures of teenage girls crying, or occupied uteruses with angst-y captions like 'Life is for Losers'. I'm not depressed. Well, not in the emo-ish way one would expect. I'm angry, confused and upset all at once, but depression can sometimes lead to a person not eating. And no force in this world could ever stop me from eating. It's something to do with being a Weasley.

The house is peaceful and quiet, but it won't be for much longer. Victoire is staying here on the top floor of the house, while Teddy is on the middle floor. Teddy is to go down for breakfast at twenty-five past nine, sharp, and then eat outside in the garden so that Victoire can come down for breakfast in the dining room at half nine. It's so that they won't see each other before the wedding, but I still find it kind of unfair that Teddy has to be banished to the garden on his wedding day. Then again, it is Victoire's grandparents' house. I suppose what she says goes.

I creep down the stairs as carefully as a semi-heavily pregnant person can creep. I hear distinct snoring coming from the room Dad is sharing with Uncle Charlie and it reminds me of better times when Mum used to cast silencing charms on Dad during the night to make him shut up. Then I hear noises from downstairs and begin to wonder who the hell has gotten up earlier than me.

I hear a man's voice coming from the kitchen, but it's unfamiliar. It's definitely none of my uncles. I tiptoe down to the hall and grab the first sharp object I find - an umbrella - and brandish it as my only weapon as I make my way towards the kitchen. It's a pity I didn't think to carry my wand on me. I'm not used to the whole concept that I'm allowed to use magic outside of Hogwarts now.

"Did you get the camera?" the man's voice asks. I throw open the door of the kitchen.

"Don't move! I have a weapon and I'm not afraid to use it!" I cry. There are four people standing in the kitchen - a family of four, to be exact. The Scamanders. Lorcan drops his bag in shock, Lysander stares at me with a very relaxed expression, Rolf jumps and spins around to face me and Luna smiles dreamily.

"Hello Rose," says Luna, apparently not caring that I've just shouted at her and threatened her with an umbrella. I must look like a complete psycho. Here I am, pointing a perfectly harmless umbrella at close friends of the family while wearing two watches. Then again, I shouldn't honestly be too worried about looking weird in front of the Scamanders.

"H-hello," I manage to stutter. I put the umbrella down, as Lorcan is beginning to look quite nervous.

"We're not late, are we?" asks Rolf, Luna's husband, picking up Lorcan's bag and setting it down on the table. He then proceeds to go through it, looking for what I presume is the camera.

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