After the beep

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9:00 am Monday

The light trickles through the blinds in thin columns across your face. You groan, turning over and pulling your duvet over your face to shield as much light as possible. In reality you've been awake for hours, but now that you finally realised that, you refuse to accept it. The monotone ringing of the home phone jolts you out of bed and you shuffle down stairs to answer it but once you get there its gone to voicemail. Thats odd, but quite frankly you're a little relieved as most of those calls are from family and you really cant talk to them right now. Your prediction was right. You let the voicemail play and it is, in fact your father.

"Hey Y/N"
He clears his throat.
"What you up to sweetheart? Your mothers been buggin' me to call you again. We're worried about you."

He drones on about their weekend at the beach and how they ran into your ex at a coffeehouse. You cant bear to hear anymore about that sick fuck so you click the decline button at the sound of his name.

I miss him so much

You breathe and place the phone on its stand before making your way to the shower.

I cant miss him this much


1:00 pm, Wednesday.

"He called again"

For fucks sake

"Dad just block his number I'm fed up hearing about him"
You groan.

This is the first time in almost a month that you've visited your parents and the one thing they decide to bring up during lunch is him.

"Block his number?"
Your mother scoffs from the other side of the table.

"Y/N, he's still crazy about you. If we blocked his number who knows what stupid thing he'll do!"
She continues.

"Then let him do it!"
You snap.

"I broke up with him for a reason. He was moving too fast for me and he couldn't take that. Its not my fault he's a fucking jackass that wants to settle down as soon as I fucking met him. Stop talking about him. I don't want to hear it. I'm fed up."
You push your plate away with still half a sandwich left on it and you make your way to a bedroom to lie down.

I'm fed up of missing him.

4:00 am, Thursday.

You're back home with, this guy. You don't know his name but thats not important. After a day with your parents rambling on about that filthy fucking bastard you cant help but go out to the nearest bar and hook up with the most attractive dude you find. To be honest, you're not even sure if its a dude. You're so hammered you cant see straight. You're being pushed up against your bedroom door with your lips pressed to his and you cant really care. But you do. And two minutes later you're pushing him away and throwing up on your bathroom floor.

Why do you miss him so much?

Why cant you stop thinking about him?

Why do you still love him?

And with that thought, you're stumbling out your apartment with no shoes, a vomit covered shirt and absolutely no care because you have to see him. You have to.


Its now 5:00 am. Your knuckles are so sore from hitting the wooden door, and your feet are scraped from the rubble, and your lips are chapped from the cold but he's there. He's here. He's standing in front of you with red eyes and an open mouth and you cant help but cry.

"Im so sorry. I'm so sorry i left you just because you loved me too much. I'm sorry I never loved you back."
You keep crying.

He's looking back at you in disbelief with tears in his eyes.

"I will never leave you again"
You cry as he takes you in his arms.

"I love you so much, Waluigi."

And with that, he kisses your forehead and whispers back;

"I love you too"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2018 ⏰

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