The Cherub's Wrath

Start from the beginning

"Oh Rose, do you really think he loves me?" she smiles, her eyes filling with tears of joy.

"What did I just say?"

"No," she says shaking her head, "No, he doesn't love me. Why would he?"

Is this girl serious?

"Because you're this petite, curly haired Ravenclaw who doesn't have any flaws at all and is just about the nicest person in Hogwarts," I say, "and boys like nice girls like you."

"Do you think so?"

"Believe me, as one of the not nice girls, I know these things."

"You're nice," she says, but she doesn't seem too sure.

"Quit kissing my ass just because you're going out with my cousin...I know I'm not nice, and I'm pretty cool with it," I say.

"Okay...but you're not not nice, if you get me."

I don't, but I nod anyway.

Dom isn't back from Hogsmeade by the time I return to the dormitory, but Chastity and Laura are there. They stop talking when I come in. Chastity smiles kindly at me, and Laura shoots me a malevolent glare.

"Hi Rose," says Chastity, "are you coming to the party tonight?"

"Of course she's not," Laura answers for me, "Who'd want to go with her? She's pregnant!"

"Shut up, Laura," Chastity sighs.

"I am going actually," I say proudly, "with Mark Matthews."

The look on Laura's face is priceless. Her mouth actually drops open in shock.

"That's great!" says Chastity.

"What?" Laura splutters, "How the hell did you get Mark Matthews to bring you? Did you get pregnant with his kid too?"

"I know this must be big news to you," I say in a patronizing tone, "but you can't get pregnant while you're pregnant."

It takes her a few seconds to process this.

"Whatever, you're a slut."

"You don't have to be pregnant to be a slut," I say.

"Yeah, otherwise you'd have about fifty kids, Laura," says Chastity. I laugh and high-five her.

"Whatever bitches," she spits, "You're just a pair of losers anyway. And I don't care if you're going with Mark Matthews...I'm going with James Potter."

She sweeps out of the dormitory, slamming the door behind her.

"She's lying, right?" I ask Chastity, who looks down at her hands, "Chas, tell me she's lying!"

"Erm, he asked her yesterday," she says quickly.

"WHAT? After he jinxed her in the hallway? After everything she's done?"

"I know," says Chastity, "I thought it was a bit strange too."

"I'm going to kill that little git!" I scream and storm out of the dormitory. I run down the stairs and then across to the boys' dormitories. When I reach the door that says "Seventh Years" I storm in without knocking. Mark and Fred are there and they both jump in surprise when they see me.

"WHERE IS HE?" I yell.

"Where's who?" asks Fred looking a bit frightened.

"Where the HELL is Potter?"

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