Chocolate, Cupboards, and Memories

Start from the beginning

"I told you I'm sorry!" Malfoy says exasperatedly.

"Sorry?" she cries, "You're sorry? Don't you think "sorry" is a little bit trivial for this situation? You got my cousin - my best friend - pregnant! And you think that "sorry" is going to cover it? You're pathetic, Malfoy!"

"It was before I was with you," Malfoy says loudly, "we agreed not to tell anyone. I didn't even know she was pregnant!"

"How could you ask me out after you slept with Rose? You're sick! Did you even like her? Or were you just using her?"

Oh dear.

Right now, I'm not sure if I want him to say he loves every bit of me or he just wanted sex. I suppose part of me just wants to kick him in the groin and the other part (very small part) wants him to hug me and say everything is okay.

"I..." Malfoy starts, "I was drunk. Of course I must have liked her at the time...but now, I like you, Dom."

That little ferret! Only the other day he was saying how he isn't happy with Dom and how much he likes me! Kick him in the goods, Dom!

"Well it's a bit late now," she says, and I can hear that she's crying in her voice, "You're going to have a baby."

"No we're not," says Malfoy, "Rose wants to put it up for adoption."

It's hard to tell how he feels about that. His facial expressions are hard and emotionless and his voice is monotonic. Guys are so hard to read.

Dom glares at him for a moment and her facial expression softens into a sad grimace.

"B-but I don't understand," says Dom, "Rose wouldn't do that."

How would she know? It's not like we ever discuss that kind of stuff.

"She wouldn't!" Dom insists, "You're making her, aren't you?"

"No!" Malfoy protests, "It was all her idea! I only just found out, I haven't had time to get my head around it!"

They stay quiet for a few minutes.

"Is it true you punched your dad?" Dom asks so quietly that I can barely hear her.

"Yeah," Malfoy says nonchalantly, "so?"

"Why did you hit him?"

Malfoy stays quiet.

"He said something about Rose?" Dom presses, "You were standing up for her?"

He nods. What an idiot! Why can't he just lie? He seems to be an expert at that.

"You like her," says Dom, "I knew it."

"Dom -"

"I'm going to bed," she sighs, "I'll talk to you when I've calmed down. Right now all I want to do is hex you into oblivion."

She storms off up the stairs. Malfoy is left in the entrance hall and kicks the front doors in rage. I've never seen him so angry. In fact, I never really see him as anything other than calm and collected. Maybe I should go and calm him down...or does he want to hear it from me? I mean, I'm the one who lied to him. But apparently my brain and my legs aren't really working in partnership today because I seem to be walking out of the broom cupboard and over to him. How odd.

"How long have you been in there?" Malfoy shoots when he spots me.

"About four hours," I shrug, "I needed to think."

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