"Isn't it romantic?" she sighs.

"Um, yeah," I say, my voice trembling. Oh Merlin, I'm going to start crying right here in the library. I think it's time for Library Man to swoop in and save me from this mess. I look over at said Library Man - he's peeking over the top of his book to see what's going on with us and when he sees me looking, he disappears behind it again.

"I'm going to go reply to her," Dom says, "I'll see you later!"

She bounces out of the library, unaware of the devastation she has just left in her wake. I close over my school books, reach into my bag and dig out a piece of parchment and a quill and start writing furiously.

Dom tells me you're getting married. My letter must have gotten lost in the post. Or I must have been mistaken when I thought we were friends who told each other everything before telling anyone else. I let you know possibly the biggest news I'll ever have in my life first. Obviously I don't deserve the same treatment as you do, but I'm not quite sure why. You're no better than me, Ted. You might think you are because I'm some knocked up kid, but you're not. At least I know who my friends are.
Have a great wedding. I hope you're happy.

Yes, it's immature. Yes, he'll hate me for sending it. But I don't care anymore. I'm so furious right now that I'm not exactly thinking straight. I rush to the Owlery, grab the first unsuspecting bird, tie the letter to its leg and throw it out the window. I slide down the wall of the Owlery and curl myself up into a little ball and start crying uncontrollably. It's like every little emotion I've been keeping inside for the past few weeks is rushing out in a pool of tears right now. This engagement has pushed me over the edge completely.

But I can't even curl up in a ball on the floor of the Owlery and cry my eyes out in peace. The door creaks open and - oh dear Jesus, of all the Owleries in all the schools in all the world, he has to walk into this one...

"Why are you on the floor, Weasley?" Malfoy asks.

"Go away," I sob.

"Jesus, are you crying?" he says, a note of amusement in his voice.

"Go away!" I shout.

He doesn't. He slides down the wall beside me and sits there for a few minutes in silence. I wish he'd leave. I hate crying in front of people. It makes me seem weak.

"So are you going to tell me what's up?" he asks after a while.

"Why would I tell you?" I mumble rudely.

"Because by the looks of things, I'm the only person who cares that you're sitting in a smelly Owlery crying your eyes out," he says simply.

"I'm not crying my eyes out," I say indignantly.

"Sure," he says sarcastically, "if you say so."

"Just shut up," I snap, "and get down off your high horse. You're not at brilliant as you think you are."

"Moody are we?" he says, laughing slightly. He doesn't seem offended that I've just snapped at him. That annoys me.

"Why are you here?" I ask impatiently.

"I was looking for Dom, if you must know. She said she was coming up here to send a letter to her sister."

"Oh," I say.

I have to admit, I'm kind of disappointed to hear that. I don't know why but I got it into my head that he came here purposely to see me...

Not that I care or anything. It's just it would be nice if someone cared. Even if it was only Malfoy.

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