Ch. 3

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Dr. Miller's P.O.V.

The storm raged on and on.  I planned that it would be a better day than yesterday.  Especially when Aletheia lives in a forest.

"Oh damn that rain, there's no shelter for four miles," I practially yelled at the sky.  "Oh yuck!" Stupid birds shits everywhere. And I was a victim of that.

A small truck pulled by up next to me.

"You need a lift sir?" asked a good looking young man with light brown hair in the truck.

"Sure, thanks" I answered, grateful to be out of the rain.

"Where'd you wanna go?"

"It's four miles, lad.  I'll guide you."

"Where is it?"

"In the forest."

"Why'd you want to go to the forest in this rain?" He asked surpised.

"I got to see someone."


"Do you know where Aletheia's house is?" I asked, finally giving in to his questions.

"Yeah, I know her and where she lives.  I'll take you there."

"I'm gonna need some shelter for the night, what's your name?"

"Jake.  I think I've seen you somewhere before."

I started and sat up straighter in my seat.  Things were about to get interesting.

Out of the Shadows - *on hold*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora