Chapter 1. Sonny

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"Nerd alert!! Nerd alert!!"
"Yeah look at that fucking nerd!!"
"And he wonders why he doesn't have a girlfriend!?"
"Ah... Maybe he's gay!??"
"Holy shit a gay nerd!!!"
"Fucking faggot!!!"

They started kicking me and punching me because someone assumed I was gay.
Which is true but that doesn't give them the right to beat me up for it.
One of them broke my glasses and ripped my favorite jacket.
A girl put her lipstick all over my face yelling the words.

"It will help you suck dick better you faggot!!!"

They left me on a hallway floor to bleed out and cry.
That was until my now best friend helped me out.
And we've been friends ever since.
I just really wish (she or he) didn't have to move away.....


Sonny's pov.

I woke up breathing hard and my eyes all puffy as the tears started spilling out.


Why do I keep having that dream!!!'

I look at my clock which read 6:02!!!

'God damnit!!!! This day keeps getting worse!!!!'

I quickly got up from my bed and zoomed over to the bathroom to brush my teeth and comb my hair. Which is easy cause it's on one side of my head.

I put on my out fit that I think looked best on me..... is this why people think my gay as well? Eh, I don't care I just like these more cause their brezzy.

Looked at the clock again and saw it was 6:25, Yes five more minutes!!!

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Looked at the clock again and saw it was 6:25, Yes five more minutes!!!

'I'm not excited to go to school just happy I get to see my one friend again, and spin time with Soeitys-Monster, before Monster has to move.'

I walk out of my small apartment, yes I said apartment, my parents saw how much of a disappointment I was going to be so they send me money to live here. They also give me money for other stuff too. Sad but true, even my family are assholes.

I waited for the bus that was down the street, I could hear all kinds of yelling and loud music coming from there, poor Mr. Gambler.

I walked up to the now parked bus in front of me, stepping on the stairs is like a nightmare but in real life. Everybody either ignores me or throws paper balls at me. It's not all that bad, I get a free seat everyday because everytime I sit with someone they jump out of the seat and go sit somewhere else.

I sat there listening to my headphones when someone taps on my shoulder. I look and see a boy with a marshmallow like mask/head thing on. That's the cool thing about this school is that people can wear what ever they want. I shook my head remembering that the boy was still waiting for me to answer him.


He pointed to the empty spot next to me and then pointed to his self. After realizing what he was getting at I quickly moved my back pack onto my lap and he sat down next to me. I wanted to talk to him more but I doubt he wanted to talk to me. I waited still listening to my music when a paper was sat on my lap. I looked down on the paper that read, 'Hi I'm Marshmello but please call me Mark. I'm new, do you think you can help me?' (I don't know his real name so bear with it).

I looked back at him to see that he was rubbing his hands together nervously.

"Yes I will, and you can call me Skrillex or Sonny." He looked my way and shooked his head rapidly. I'm guessing that's a yes because I couldn't tell his expression form his mask.

We were in front of the school and we waited for everybody else to leave before getting off the bus as well.

I walked to the front office with him following me and went in to see Mrs. Nice Face at the desk. I don't know her name cause I never really talk to her like that.

"Um... h-hello madam but he's new here and needs a schedule." She looked at me then at Mark and typed on her computer. After one minute a paper was printing out and she took it and handed it to Mark who quickly grabed it. I walked over there to him and looked over at his schedule.

"Wow neat you have all the same ones as mines except last block, which you have P.E. and I got art." I saw that his shoulders went down at the words P.E. I laughed and started walking out the office with mark on my tail still.

I looked back at him and signed making him tilt his head.

"I wanted to tell you this now before it starts but, I'm not really liked at this school alot by like alot of people and if they see you hanging out with me they'll most likey call you names as well." I told him so he understands that it's bad to be my friend. But all he did was shake his head and made boxing moves making me laugh.

"Alright Mr. Mark you made your point let's go." Just as I turned around a body ran into mines making me and that person fall.

?-"Skrillex I'm so sorry!!" I liked up at the fimilure voice, Societys-Monster!!

"Monster!!" I hugged monster as tightly as possible knowing it was our last day seeing each other.

Monster-"Aawww buddy I'm going to miss you when I'm gone!! But I'll text every now and then when I can okay?"

"Alright." I felt my eyes water abit more knowing that she's leaving.

Monster-"...Um Skrilly who's that?" Monster asked while pointing to Mark who was looking at us curiously.

"Oh this is Mark, mark meet Monster."

Monster-"Yo wassup you white rodblox looking motherfucker!"

"Monster!!" I looked at monster surprised by the foul language.

"Sorry mark monster didn't mean it." All mark did was wave his hand at monster and I like it was no biggy.

Monster looked back and forth at me and mark with serious eyes.

Monster-"Skrillex you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend." I looked shocked at what monster had just said, feeling a blush going onto my face.

"He's not my boyfriend dumbass he's new and I was helping him!!"

Monster-"Oh woops. Well I'm going to go to class now and write fan fiction about these two youtubers." Monster said with a grin.

"How's the book going? People liking it yet?"

Monster-"Yep but they also hate it in a sort of sad kind of way." Monster said, the grin only growing.

"You need to stop torturing that boy boy on there, it's really sad."

Monster-"NEVER!!!" Monster yelled while running to class.

I turned to Mark to see his head tilted even more.

"You need to stop doing that or you'll break your neck. Plus don't ask about that conversation or you'll be even more confused." He shook his head okay and followed me to first block which was about music.

This story has a little bit of Societys-Monster because monster was the first one to respond to this story. So thx monster, having your name here may have made this story better.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2018 ⏰

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