Seokjin's girlfriend (Valerie)

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Dating: Jin

Time together: Almost a year


- She can cook really well, but she's not good at cooking sweet things

- Although both Jungkook and Taehyung are really good at photography, they often ask her for advice and show her the photos they've taken

- Despite dating Jin who acts like the youngest out of the members at times, she's really mature

- Both Jin and her often bicker because of his childishness

- When the other girls have problems, she is often the one they come to talk to aside from Suga's girlfriend who is the oldest

- Jin and her rarely argue about serious things

- Jin is very loving towards her

- She often worries about Jin since he is really good at hiding his pain

- When Jin is stress and upset, he likes to keep it to himself until she forces it out of him

- She knows all about Jin's fears and often give him comfort that the members cannot

- The members respect her and loves her for taking care of Jin who has been taking care of everyone since day one

Age: A year older than Jungkook

Occupation: Photographer


- Her mother is a makeup artist who worked with BigHit

- Her father works a lot overseas

- Grew up with the members

- Became a photographer who works for them 

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