Another update

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Hello everyone. As I said I have been away and well the last few days I really haven't felt like writing and haven't really been able to come up with more. Don't worry though if you are enjoying this story I am going to be writing a sequel to it. It might not really make a whole lot of sense but it is a story a friend wants me to write. LovelyRitaMM and I came up with this story as long time ago and she was really disappointed that I deleted my first story. So I promised her this one I would finish. It was an idea for something we did a long time ago and I wanted to write a story about it and she was really interested at how I would expand on it. So I am going to end this book here and begin the sequel soon.

The sequel is called the Real Stuart Sutcliffe.

So here's to you LovelyRitaMM! Thanks for being my inspiration for nearly every story I have written

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