Rd(to himself)-I didn't mean that

Here sanyu was walking through the corridor with a tear ready to fall from her eyes, she was wiping it when she hears him

Adwaid-looks like your romeo doesn't needs you anymore

She didn't stop but adwaid gets hold of her hand and turns her

Adwaid(gritting his teeth)-I am talking to you

Sanyu-leave me

Adwaid-listen to me very carefully bitch, when I am talking to you don't you dare ignore(tightens his grip on her hand)

Sanyu(trying to free her hand)-adwaid leave me, you are hurting me

Adwaid(tightens the grip even more)-oh really....

But before he could complete he was on the floor, sanyu looks at her side to see rd standing next to her

Rd-I might have no memory of her but I have never been away from her so she is still mine and I don't like you around anything that's mine and I wish that you've got that in your head by now

He turns to sanyu and grabs her hand and walks away from where adwaid was, he takes her to the cafeteria

As soon as he releases her hand she winces and he looks at her wrist which was now getting a red mark, he takes her hand and looks at it

Rd-stay here

With that being said he leaves from there leaving sanyukta alone in the deserted cafeteria, after a few mins he comes back with a first aid box

He keeps it on the table and then takes her hand

Sanyu(looking at him)-thank you rd

But he didn't reply but keeps on treating her bruise and the bell rings and the cafeteria starts getting crowded, their gang also comes and they were happy to see them together

Vids-oh my god, what happened sanyu

Sanyu-its nothing vids, just a small bruise

Kaustu-but how?


Vids-that bloody psychopath, did he do anything toyou sanyu

Sanyu-no vids..i am fine, rd came on time

That's when they look at him and he just gets up from his seat, takes the box and was about to walk out when parth calls him


He stops but never turns to look at any of them so parth and sahil walks to him along with jiggy

Parth-oey yaar, why are you thins angry

Sahil-ok fine we agree that we did a big mistake...but atleast give us a chance

Without saying anything he walks out

They come back to the seat


Parth-well now you people know that the angry rd is not a treat to watch

Sahil-he kills people with his silent treatment

Sanyu-now I feel like hating myself but tell me something guys.....would it make sense if I tell him the first time he sees me after his accident when he barely remembers me that I am his girlfriend

Sahil-well I was going to tell him but you people stopped, if you didn't back then, things could have been different

Parth-yeah make you side clear Mr.smarty pants

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