First Year, Part 15 (The Unexpected Outcome)

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From where I lay, I saw Aileen bend over and pick up the sticks that had rolled out of my hand. I saw the glazed look in her eyes as she threw them into the woods.

"I don't think Cargem would like it very much if you did that, Alexa." She said.

I stared at her in absolute horror. How had Cargem gotten control of her? How had he gotten control of all of them, in such a short amount of time? That meant he knew Aileen and I were here. Why hadn't he used his powers on me as well then?

From where I lay, I heard Cargem start chanting something in a different language. The wind died down almost immediately, and the forest became darker. I could hear Sharem began to make sounds of pain.

I tried to move, I tried so hard, but my body was paralyzed completely, and I knew it would be a few minutes before the spell wore off. What if it was too late by then?

I looked up at Aileen, looked into her glazed eyes. She was just watching me, no expression on her face.

"Aileen," I thought, trying to sound calm. "Aileen, you need to stop this. He's going to kill Sharem. You need to help him. I know you're in there. Please."

Aileen didn't respond, just kept gazing down at me with that glazed look in her eyes. It was of no use, and I knew it. Cargem had complete control over her. He had control over all of them. Except me, and I was totally helpless.

Cargem's voice was becoming louder as he chanted the strange words, and so was Sharem's sounds of pain. I knew I would never forget those sounds of agony, even if we all got out of this safely.

I felt frustrated tears stream down my face. There was nothing I could do. Why hadn't we told someone, anyone?

"Aileen," I thought desperately, "Aileen! He's going to kill Sharem." I was yelling the thoughts at her, but she didn't even flinch.

Just as soon as the chanted had started, it stopped, and all was dead silent. Sharem's cries of pain had stopped as well. There was no sound whatsoever in the forest. I almost wished Sharem was still moaning in pain. Because that would mean he was alive.

"Girl, come here." I heard Cargem say.

Aileen walked out from behind the tree we had been hiding behind. I couldn't see Aileen but I knew she had walked over to Cargem.

He had said "girl," not "girls." Did that mean he didn't know I was here, after all?

He would kill Aileen and Hagrid, and there was nothing I could do. Sharem might already be dead. Why hadn't we told one of the professors? Why hadn't we told someone? Anyone?

"Now," Cargem said, "what to do with you two."

As Cargem said these words, I begin to feel my toes and fingers that I had desperately been trying to move twitch slightly. The spell was wearing off, and within a few seconds, I would be able to move. But what use was it if I could move or not? Aileen had thrown the sticks we were supposed to use and there was no way I would be able to find a few small sticks in a forest, even though I could see in the dark.

"Best kill you both immediately," Cargem said thoughtfully. "Better yet, have you two kill each other for me and be done with it. You really shouldn't have stuck your noses into others business. Now, you will pay the price."

I felt full feeling come over my whole body and I was able to sit up, poking my head out from behind the tree to see what was going on.

Hagrid and Aileen just stood their, strange admiring smiles on their faces as they listened to Cargem speak. Sharem lay slumped against the tree. From where I was I couldn't tell whether he was breathing or not.

"Yes," Cargem said, more to himself than to them, "Yes, that is what I shall have you do. Girl, take this blade and plunge it into the big man's heart. Kill him," Cargem handed the C-shaped blade to Aileen, "And you," he turned to Hagrid, "Kill her however you see fit."

Damaged (A Marauders Era story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن