A lot of strange people

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Two men stiffly walked in a straight hallway. Both of them had a plain black suit on and one of them had glasses resting on his nose. The other darker skinned man had an eyepatch over one of his eye. Both of them had a stern expression on their faces as they approached the door at the end of the hallway. They stopped right in front of the big black door, and the man with darker skin took out a plastic card from a pocket in his belt. He swiped it across a platform that rose from the floor and the door opened with a click. He set the card back in its place and moved through the door, the other man right at his heels. The door closed silently behind him.

"What could need this much protection and secrecy, director?" the man with the glasses quietly asked as they passed two guards that stood in the hallway with guns.

"You'll see doctor. We're not in safe enough zone to talk about it yet", the director answered. Now he had started to look a little nervous. That automatically made the other, shorter man, addressed as a doctor, shift nervously too. Seeing the top man of SHIELD nervous was certainly not something you got to witness on a daily basis.

The two men stopped at yet another door, this one even thicker than the one before. After they stepped through it with a card from the director's jacket they could finally see more guards and agents, walking around quickly in the space behind the door. There was a big room, like a hall, that had shelves on the walls and no windows. There was maybe three or four doors that led out, all of them looking the exact same as the one the two men had came through. Plain white with no marks on the surface. The doctor started to get interested when he heard the strange shouted commands that the people in the room commanded each other with. All of the people wore pure black clothes that had no markings or names on them. They all had a gun or two on their belts, much like the director. It seemed like the doctor was the only one unarmed in the strange big room. He could hear no sound from the shoes that the agents and guards wore, nor did he understand the codes they used. He was starting to get a lot more confused than he already was before. He turned his head to look at the director standing still next to him and before he could even open his mouth to talk, the director whipped his head in his direction and shook his head with a stern glare that clearly was a command to stay silent. At least for now.

The doctor nodded his head in understanding right before the director started walking towards a door to their right. He immediately took off after him, since he didn't want to get left behind to these so strange people, who didn't spare a glare to their direction. On another note, they all seemed to focuse on their tasks as if their life depended on it. All the doctor was able to think about them, was that he didn't know how they all moved in unision. These people were the strangest group that he had ever seen. nd he was a part of the Avengers. The doctor was able to hear another command from his right and turned his head just in time to see a few people move in unision to a man that laid still on the floor. Then he felt a hand on his forearm and he was being dragged away by the director.

"They will take care of the problem", was all he got from the director as they moved through a doorway. He was led through a couple of turns before stopping behind an ordinary looking door. Apparently it also was an ordinary door since they just stepped throught it to a cozy looking isolated room. The director turned towards the doctor and gestured for him to sit on one of the many chairs at the long table the room contained. He himself went to close the door before sitting down as well. The room was a simple white room with a long table and a few chairs lined up on each side of it.

"There we go", he said as he sat down. "now we can talk without eavesdroppers. Let me explain the situation to you, doctor Banner." The director nodded and got comfortable in his seat. The man called Banner just nodded and observed the plain white room peacefully. He had been curious their whole way to this room, from the moment the director had gotten in touch with him. He had a lot of questions but knew that he would only get the answers to those that were important enough.

"You see, a few months ago we made our way into the source of those weird signals that I told you about. What they found wasn't exactly what we were expecting to find. We were expecting a lot of mechanics, maybe a bunch of scientists in a big lab", the director explained to Banner. His face got a very serious expression as he continued after a dramatic pause: "All the agents found was a man in his early twenties sitting cross legged on the floor staring at a blank wall of stone. He didn't even flinch when they entered in the cave he was positioned, just turned his blank stare at my men and stayed still. And the waves of signals were gone, like they never even were there. The agents described his eyes to be piercing and dark black. But after they got bck here with the man and I got to meet him for the first time, his eyes were a mix of blue and green. The eyes of a regular man."

The director turned his gaze at doctor Banner and sighed. "We took him in, and tried to talk to him. He never answered, just stared staying silent. Our doctors checked him multiple times, finding exactly nothing wrong with the man, except that we couldn't find a DNA in him, it was like he never existed", the director looked Bruce Banner straight in the eyes as he spoke, making the doctor flinch at the tone of voice he was using. The doctor shifted in his seat.

"I am guessing you want me to check this man, whatever you call him", Banner guessed finally and he got a slow nod from the director. 

"All we have are sure of, is that he is a man. He certainly isn't human, since he doesn't have a DNA. So we can only guess that he is an alien of some sort", the director reminded Banner as he stood up. He dug in his belt and took out a name tag.

"When you're in here, don't take this off. I will send you an agent to guide you to your temporary quarters. You will be staying in here for as long as needed", he commanded before handing the tag to Banner, who pinned it in his belt nodding in a sign of understanding. When he was done he looked seriously to the director.

"I have two more questions, director Fury", he said and continued after a nod that was given, "do the Avengers know anything about this?"

The dark skinned man called Fury looked away staying silent for a moment and then said: "They don't, and will not know about this creature for as long as I say so. The only people who now about this are either in this base, or dead.  And knowing mister Stark, he will try to get into this and more importantly, the files. Then he will get curious when he finds none of those. So no, they do not know about this case. And we can not have them know for the safety of this project."

Bruce nodded and shifted his gaze to the floor and lifted his hands to the pockets of his jacket. "In that case the only question left to ask is, what do you call it? Surely you have to call it something", he asked curiously. His thoughts got confused when he saw the director smile a little, before answering.

"Why of course, doctor. You see, the agents here have actually started to give it or him nicknames, but we have an official name that we use in the papers", he said slowly before looking at the doctor again his expression turning to serious as well. "We call him the Patient 00, or shortly, Patient, since that is what he is after all."

And that is all I have for you for now. I hope you enjoyed and keep waiting patiently for the next chapter. I will say that the next chapter will be in the same point lf view as this one, but I can't say yet about the others that are following. And I can't promise an exact date for the publish of the second chapter, it will depend on me, and you. Please comment and share your thoughts. And please, share this to others that may be interested.


This story WILL NOT:
Have everyone betray Percy
Have the seven die
Have Percabeth (probably, I'm pretty sure, sorry everybody)
Be an ordinary pjo avengers crossover


However this story will be completely original, from my head.


That's all for now. Bye!

Patient 00Where stories live. Discover now