The Plan

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The picture above is of Shadow's hair color from behind

10 years later-

Here I am, about to "celebrate" my 25th birthday, still trapped at this hellhole of a mansion my "father" called home. My position has drastically changed from when he first brought me here ten years ago. I'm no longer his trapped, estranged daughter. I am now the second in command for his royal guard.

Even though my position in status had changed, nothing else had. I still kept my guard up, never letting him close like he'd said so many times he wanted to be. He had ruined my life, twice now. There was no chance in hell that I'd let him ruin it for me a third time and get away with it.

I stared at a wall, unseeing, as I recounted my life before he showed up. Absentmindedly I started drawing circles on my desk with my nails. Nothing was the same as it used to be, I was still relatively the same person, though. What had changed from then to now, was what I had; discipline, structure, order and best of all, training to take down my number one enemy, provided right from the source.

He thought I was submissive, docile and trained to take his position once he stepped down. He couldn't have been more wrong. I had tried escaping many times in the last ten years. Each time was a failure. I tried sneak attacks, methodically planned maneuvers, brute force, and every time I had failed. But that didn't stop me from coming up with my next plan. The latest one taking the most amount of patience as I had to make him think I'd given up and accepted I wasn't going anywhere.

This plan was the most grueling to follow through on, dutifully accepting whatever order he gave us to make my plan sure to succeed. I plan to ruin him from the inside of his own misguided trust and easy acceptance into his ranks.
     I feel a slow, sinister smile creep across my face at the excitement and joy that overwhelms my senses from being so close to the end. Once and for all, destroying him and everything he held dear.

I'd been going along with the plan for five years. Five years I had to put up with his asinine comments, his domineering way of handling everything and everyone under his command. Each time I had to school my features and reign in my anger. Each time my wolf begged me to let her out so she could rip him apart. And every time I said the same thing, the same malicious intent loosely veiled behind my words to her, not yet.

He may be a royal alpha, and rightly dominant, but that meant nothing to me. I planned to make him pay for what he'd done to my mother, what he put her through and for making me miss the last ten years of my life with my true family. I still had to find them, but with the imprinted bond I shared with each member, it wouldn't be difficult once I got rid of him.

A deep, rumbling voice made me snap out of my mental blabbering and plotting. "General Daciana, is everything alright?"

"Yes, Roman. I'm fine. Just lost in thought. Why do you ask?"

"Because General, you were scratching quite deep into your desk. I left you alone in thought but then you growled, and then I noticed your desk." Roman answered, slight worry still present in his voice.

I looked at Roman, then at my desk. Grunting as I stood from my chair, I muttered my response. "Just past demons back to haunt me."


I am seriously not finished with this, I promise. I need to get back into the scene in my head to be able to continue but I can't seem to do it at the moment. I also didn't want this whole chapter to be an inner monologue so I decided to introduce a new character. Not sure if he's here to stay though.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2018 ⏰

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