Elevator Ride (1)

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It's 12:24 AM on my computer screen and I'm still at the office. I'm still stuck doing paper work. It's an endless cycle of names..accounts..history..and so on. I've been doing this job for 3 years now, and I don't know why I'm still here; when what I really wanted to do is write. 

I'm usually the last one to leave the office. Since I live alone, I prefer going home late to avoid the emptiness of my apartment and to avoid the loneliness I feel when I'm there.

It has been 8 months, 3 weeks, and 2 days since my dad died. It was just me and him in my small one bedroom apartment.  Now that he is gone the whole place seems a lot bigger.

I'm used to the idea of being alone in the office. The silence gives me peace and the empty cubicles give me a sense of calmness. 

"When the time hits 12:30 I'm heading home," I whispered to myself. 

This is the first time that I'll be going home this late. I would usually stay until 10 or 11 PM, but I'm feeling extra lonely today so I decided to stay late than usual. As I wait for the time, I wondered if any one else is in the building. Our office is on the 12th floor and going down alone in the elevator suddenly gave me the goosebumps.

I've checked the time, 12:30. 

"Okay! Time to go," I said a little too loud. 

I gathered my things, head for the door and walked to the elevators. I reached the end of the hallway and quickly hit the arrow down. As I wait silently, I noticed that the elevator is heading for the 15th floor. 

"Oh great! Someone is going down too," I said to myself. 

I watched the blinking of the lights until the elevator doors opened for me. I looked in and saw someone is already inside. She smiled at me and I noticed that she was pretty. I walked in and the doors closed. I moved to the side and slowly leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I'm feeling a little sleepy now.

"Late night?" The girl suddenly said.

I opened my eyes and gently nodded. She gave me a cute smile. I began to study her. She is wearing a red top matched with black slacks. She looked around 25 years old. With a short hair, brown eyes and a wonderful smile. I couldn't help but stare. As she looked straight into my eyes I suddenly felt a little gush of wetness. I felt like she was staring straight through my clothes. I began to look away when she suddenly moved closer. Her body, is now a mere inch away from mine. I tried to move away but she suddenly reached for my nape and started massaging it.

"You look stressed." She whispered.

Her touch suddenly gave me a tingling sensation down there. I'm not sure why I'm feeling this, nor why this girl is seducing me. She slowly moved forward and hit the emergency stop button. I looked up and saw that we are now on the 10th floor.

I gave her a questioning look, but all I saw was a look of fire and desire in her eyes. She slowly leaned her head towards me, and landed a soft kiss on my lips. I stared at her, even more confused now.

"This has always been my fantasy," she said.

"I've always fantasized having sex in the elevator... with a girl," she uttered again.

I wanted to say a lot of things. I wanted to stop her, but her mouth suddenly pressed hard against mine. My body was so tensed, everything was happening fast.

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