Being his pet

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Rachel pov
I'm walking down the street after I finish my shift at the café. I take the alley home every day to get home. My phone buzzes and I pick up the call and hear my mom crying and sobbing for help. I ask where she is and she tells me, so I immediately got in my car and went there and once I was there I go to a huge mansion and find her tied up. Once I untied her a man came out of the shadows

If you don't stop, I'll shoot her.

I turn around, and the man is instantly mesmerized by my presence.

I'll let her go if you agree to stay with me here forever. I say watching her look at her mom and then me

Will you let me at least say goodbye to her? I look at him pleadingly

Yes, you can say goodbye. I watch as she says goodbye to her mom and then looks over at me

What do you want with me? I'm not special at all

You are princess, now follow me upstairs

I follow him upstairs to keep my mom safe from him. We go into a room with lots of space and a bed

You will be my princess. If you behave and follow my rules you will be rewarded if you disobey me, then you will be punished

Rules? Punished?

Yes princess I will have rules for you that I expect you to follow and punishments if you don't. I see her back away from me scared so I then say princess sit in front of me now

I quickly do as he says afraid of being punished

Good girl princess. I will tell you the rules now.
1. Never disobey me
2. Ask permission before you go outside
3. Don't go to rooms that are marked private unless I tell you to
4. You are mine and mine alone. I will not share you
5. You will have playtime every day
6. You will wear a diaper and your collar at all times unless told otherwise
7. Never touch yourself
8. I expect you to use your diaper
9. No attitude or sass
10. You will call me Daddy at home and sir in public
Break any of my rules, and you will be punished. Do you understand?

I look up at him and nod saying yes Daddy I understand

Good now lay down on the bed

I lay down on the bed hesitantly scared of being raped. I watch him come over to me with a pretty collar and a diaper

I put the diaper on her and take her shirt off leaving her in her bra to help her get comfortable then put her collar on her

Daddy. I look at him

Yes, princess. What is it? I hear a cute small whimper come from her

Daddy my collar is too tight on my neck

I loosen it a little then ask her if it's better now and she nods

Thank you, Daddy. I smile at him

Princess are you thirsty

Yes, Daddy, I am actually

Goes over to the dresser where a bottle is all warmed up then go over to the bed and hold her on my lap saying open

I whine shaking my head

Princess open your mouth for Daddy, please

I whimper scared then open my mouth as he places the bottle in my mouth I start to bite my lip trying not to pee

Princess, I see that what did daddy say about using your diaper. I gently press down on her lower stomach to help the pee come out

I squirm trying to stop him

Princess stop right now

Buries my face in his chest peeing in my diaper

Good girl princess. I know that was hard, but daddy's so proud of you

Smiles happy he's proud of me

Now let's get you cleaned up. I carry her over to the changing table and lay her down on it undoing her diaper and starting to wipe her clean. I watch her squirm uncomfortably I then slap her pussy, so she stays still. I watch her start whimpering, and I wished I hadn't done that because I instantly hated to see her whimper

I softly whimper being sore down there. Daddy that hurt

I finish changing her then put a new diaper on her and lifted her up holding her close

I lay my head down on him sniffing showing I'm calming down. I then ask Daddy can I go to the bathroom to freshen up, please

Yes princess you can. Crawl there so daddy can see you crawl in your diaper

Yes, Daddy. I crawl to the bathroom and quickly rip my diaper off rubbing myself sore then he comes in and sees me and looks furious

Oh that's not ok princess

Daddy please I'm sorry I only was rubbing it cause it was sore. Please don't punish me I say terrified

Lay in bed now

I quickly go and lay in bed hoping he'll change his mind

I look down at where she was sitting and sighs knowing she was just sore. I walk out of the bathroom and see her on the bed curled up in the covers asleep. I kiss her forehead saying you won't be punished princess I know you were only sore

I wake up hearing him and ask Daddy can you hold me while I nap

I look down at her and smile. I put a cozy fleece onesie on her since it's so cold outside and I didn't want her to be cold. I then climb in bed with her pulling her close to my chest to keep her warm

Thank you, Daddy. I fall asleep on his chest peacefully

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