roblox: hanting

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Today we explore the ghost realm. I was only 5 years old when I had my first ghost experience. It all started in my home town of fucksville new virginia. We lived in a small home not too far from the FUCKING CORN man. He was a peaceful man, having much corn on his property and in his posession. Speaking of posession, did I mention he was POSessed? Indeed. Everyone knew but didn't want to say anything for sake of politeness. He was harmless, but still very ghostly and very scary. I was playing roblox when it happened. The hanting. One day, quite suddenly, the spirit jockey of the unwitting corn boy was violently expelled from its husk, revealing a terrifying spooky frightening sight: ghots. Wuh oh. I looked out the window and the image was forever branded into my mind's tapestry of memories. The apparition appeared only for a second, for a second was all that was needed. Everyone in the town excluding corn boy and I was posessed. Corn boy was spared because he said nose goes (clearly an intellectual), but I, however, was only spared because the sheer volume of cancer absorbed from roblox proved much too repulsive to a #classy ghost to handle. And thus ends the tale of my first paranormal experience. Remember to smash, slam, and dunk on that motherfucking like and give that subscribe a good ol caress on the cheek.

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