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The picture above is from my Instagram @quotes_by_Paula please go follow if you find that interesting, there is more to come though in the upcoming chapters. So here's the big hint of this story if you want to find out more about African ways of life this story is just for ya!...sit back and enjoy my first book!
Ignore weird mistakes thanks


Waking up again to see a new day is like some gift I'd always be grateful to God for ,not like I actually even have a soo too awesome life but I'd really like to rub it that its pretty awesomely awesome! Granted I have the worlds best friend to thank For that.

Cynthia and I have been friends since I was 9 and in Jss1(secondary school) and I'm guessing the Americans call it grade seven. Pretty weird I was that young in a class that high you might say, but I won't say I was actually super smart and all but to be sincere we Nigerians just are very fast when it comes to education not minding how poor our education system is,Yes! I'm not hiding my month of this one(slag-ish).

It was a very hot afternoon on my first day of school our weather is something though(skin frying) reason why we are mostly black, so considering the fact that its a fresh term after summer holidays and not to mention its the first day of school also this is automatically everybody in my class first day too Granted there would be no intimidation of any kind considering you a fresher and I am too. I was sitting out side that afternoon waiting patiently for my overly dramatic and not to forget to mention very busy  mother to come pick me up from school ,really still don't understand what's so wrong in taking the school bus where by in her words.

"Cmon Mona we've been through this for the umpteenth time, NO!  I can't allow you drive in a bus full of sweaty and loud children!"

Although I've always tried to tell her that I share the same class with those "LOUD" and "Sweaty" children which she doesn't buy and marks out the fact we stay at least 14inches away from each other in class considering how big each classroom is and she somehow succeeds every time that argument comes up and leaves me to wordlessly wait for her under the hot sun to come pick me.

On that day though it wasn't so bad Granted that I wasn't the only one waiting a girl who I recognized to be one of my classmates was sited not too far from me on the waiting bench outside the school,well you might wonder why not inside and out of the hot sun,well unfortunately my stupid school created that poor sheltered wait bench for children to wait for their parents to come pick them up because they wouldn't allow any student into the school after closing time because if anything goes missing it will be you whom they saw, pretty silly right?.

Well wait until you know why the waiting bench is poorly sheltered well Id just go ahead and spill it out either ways, not like they would tell us or anything but its clearly apparent that its because most kids don't take the bus and as smart as they are they build a poor wait bench so that when the parent picking up his|her child eventually make it to school on hot sunny days mostly feel bad for their child and as dummies the school expect them to be in that aspect pay for bus service and save their child the stress of the sun,my Mom strongly not part of that,for reason we all clearly know about. So this girl is looking not so happy but i just conclude its the sun or something she has this light skin that everyone well not really everyone some people in African would kill for including me although many dark skinned girls appreciate their complexion and don't go around buying bleachers and cream that bleach them fair at some certain areas and dark at areas like the ankle, elbow, armpits, which can be VERY disgusting she's petite though and a little skinny not to forget mentioning how awesomely pretty she is!..Well I take a minute to observe her and before I knew it she looks at me and sends me this heart warming smile and I know for sure there was a connection!

TYPICAL NIGERIANTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang