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•B A B Y S I T T E R

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•B A B Y S I T T E R .6•

Wonpil and Eunwoon walked back into the home with bags of toys and smiles painted across their faces. Eunwoon dropped his Pororo plushy and hugged Wonpil tightly, earning a chuckle from the older.

"T-Thank you W-Wonpil hyung~~~~"

"Your welcome cutie! I'd do it anytime."

"Y-You didn't have to."

"Aw but I wanted to. I loved the little face you made when you picked up that transformers action figure. It was adorable!" Eunwoon let out a playful giggle and ran off. Wonpil smiled and picked up the bags of toys and went off to place them in Eunwoon's playroom.

Wonpil looked at the time and went off to find Eunwoon. He followed the sound of laughter and found the boy cuddling his stuffed animal.

"Eunnie~ it's 7:30! You know what time it is~"

"Bath time!" Wonpil giggled and nodded his head and took the small boys chubby little hand and they headed off to the washroom.


Dowoon looked at the clock, yearning to head home to see his kid. He tapped anxiously at his desk and hoped that the time would just magically go faster. There was a knock at his door and he said a small come in, and Jae walked in.

"You eating for it all to end hm?"


"You miss your kid don't you."


"Your just gonna...state at that..clock there buddy?"


"Are you going to keep replying with Mhm?"

"I could...hyung I thought he would be the one to have a hard time about this, but it's me. I've just been with him at home for so long."

"Ever since the incident.."

"Yeah..I just want to be around as much as possible. He's the only one I have left."

"Yeah I understand you Dowoon. It's ok, it's gonna be a hard adjustment I know. You've been with him for a while now, and your not used to leaving him for so long. You'll see him in a few minutes. He'll always be your little boy, y'know that right?" Dowoon smiled at Jae and Jae returned the expression.

"Thanks Jae hyung."

"No prob buddy. I'm always here. Except for Tuesday's and Wednesday's." An alarm went off and Dowoon sprung up with a giant smile painted across his face.

"Go see your kid Yoon." Dowoon and Jae did their little handshake before Dowoon sprinted out his office room. He entered the elevator and pressed the floor number and waited anxiously to reach the bottom floor. Once he did, he quickly signed out and left the building.

Dowoon quickly went into his car and smiled of the thought of seeing Eunwoon again. Although, he couldn't speed or else he'd get into a crash. He tapped on the steering wheel, waiting for the the red light to turn green. This was going to take a while.


Wonpil tucked in Eunwoon and smiled. He quietly exited the room and headed into the living room and went on his phone and pressed the Instagram app.

He scrolled down his feed, laughing quietly at the funny posts and just carelessly scrolling away. He heard a turn of a door and in all guests, he knew it was Dowoon. He got up and went to go greet Dowoon. When he saw him, he looked tired but excited.

"Hi Dowoon! How was work?"

"It was boring, of course, but that's how it's supposed to be, right?" Wonpil giggled and nodded his head.

"I guess. Just depends on what you do hm?"

"Yeah true. By the way, where's Eunwoon?"

"I just put him to bed. He got tired very early."

"Oh.." Wonpil put his hand on Dowoon's shoulder and looked up at him.

"Don't worry. You'll see him in the morning!"

"I-I know haha.."

"Hey, don't be sad. I know you've been away from him for a while but, he'll always love you. Your bond with him is unbreakable. I can see that. Your probably tired. Get some rest~" Wonpil gently patted his shoulder and smiled at him. Dowoon gave him a shy smile and carded a piece of his hair back.


"No problem! Have a good night. I'll see you guys soon!"

"You too!" Dowoon shook his hand and Wonpil headed out. Dowoon looked the door and headed off to Eunwoon's room. He went over to the sleeping boy and kissed his forehead, before leaving the room.

"Your the only one I have."

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