A scary movie and the american idiot!

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AN// I'm going to include my self in the story Germany is mine! I'm your best friend in the story ok? Asta la pasta//

After Italy and Romano talked a little more with Russia they soon realized he wasn't too scary. "Hey hey _____! Let's watch a scary movie?!" Italy beamed. "Ja that sounds wunderbar!!" Germany commented. " Oh ok sure" Priscilla smiled. "I hope you guys are ready to get really scared with this" Priscilla showed you guys (your favorite scary movie)!! "That's my favorite!" You said. "No duh!"

About 15 minutes into the movie Romano and Italy were scared out of there wits! You on the other hand was just laying your head on Russia's shoulder and holding his hand. Then there was pounding on the door. You all looked at the door. "Who could it be in a snow storm like this?" Russia said. The door flew open! " Hey Russia dude! I came to totally take over your- hey what are you guys doing?" It was none other than, you guessed it, America. Priscilla grabbed an umbrella and hit him over the head. "You idiot!!!" She screamed rather loud. " You scared Italy and Romano!" They had been crying for the past 3 minuets. Rubbing his head he asked if he could watch the movie with you guys. Everyone said yes and he sat on the rather small couch. Move! Hey don't touch there! Ow my eye! Was all you heard. Then Russia got off the couch and sat you on his lap " Are you comfy my sunflower?" He asked. "Da" you responded lightly.
America was so freaked out! He literally was holding onto a pillow. Priscilla and Germany had given you a look. They smiled and continued watching the movie. There was a jump scare and America ended up in Priscilla's lap. you laughed so hard you could barely breath! " You idiot do you vant me to kill you?!" Germany yelled pushing america off of Priscilla. Although America ruined things a bit. you had a fun time!

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