A Girl's Heartbreak pt. 2

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Tristan's POV:

Oh my god! I can't believe I just hit Angela! Sweet, sweet Angela. I know how cliché it is to like her. No, love her. The popular jock and the nerdy outcast.

But I can't help how my heart speeds up when I look at her.

I know how cruel I was towards her but I had to keep up my front against my "friends". I thought it would be selfish if I dated her. I mean, the cheerleaders would eat her alive. I don't want to be the person that brought Angela into the madness that is popularity.

But I never thought that she would like me. I mean, I've bullied her since forever. Even though I would never actually lay a hand on her.

Okay Tristan, pull your sh*t together! Angela needs you right now.

I picked up her body and gently placed her in the front seat. And I may or may not have broken the speed limit to get to the hospital.

When I got there, I rushed up to the front desk with Angela in my arms. The receptionist looked up at me and pointed at the chairs. "Please have a seat and wait for your turn sir." Excuse me bitch, but I believe I possibly have a dying girl in my arms. I pleaded with her to admit Angela into the rooms.

She rolled her eyes and called for an available doctor. They took Angela away for testing and examination. I was left alone to wait.

*3 hours later*

I fell asleep waiting for the doctors. A voice snapped me out of my slumber. "Hello, are you here for Angela Hart?" The doctor asked. Well nah, do you see anybody else here? I kept my thoughts to myself and replied, "Yeah, that's me. Is she okay?"

"Angela is fine aside from a broken rib and a slight concussion. All she needs is a lot of rest and some antibiotics. She'll need to stay for a few nights though, "he said with a reassuring smile. "Okay thank you doctor. May I visit her?"

"Sure, but take it easy. She still needs to fully recover," he replied.

"Okay, thank you again doctor."

"It's no problem, " he said as he turned to leave. I gently pushed the door open and peeked inside. I spotted Angela sitting up on the bed. I walked over to her side and tentatively said, "Hey, how do you feel?"

She shyly answered, "I'm fine but..I have a question."

"Well you can ask me anything Angel." I replied. She blushed at the nickname and I smiled.

"Why did you bring me here? I thought you wanted me gone from your life forever. Why did you save me?" Angela asked.

I made a face at her, "You thought I wanted you dead?"

"Well that's what you told me."

"I didn't think you would take that seriously. I would never want you to kill or harm yourself."

"But why do you feel this way?" She questioned. I blushed and answered, "Because I like you. And I mean like-like."

She also blushed and stayed silent. We just sat there, each of us blushing profusely. I mustered up my courage and asked her, "Will you be my girlfriend?" She said, "I think I'll have to think on that. I mean, you did bully me and you did hurt me." I made a disappointed face and said, "Yeah, that makes sense. I understand."

She smiled at me. My heart pounded harder in my chest. Her smile was so beautiful. I stayed with her overnight, of course calling my parents and informing them on where I was. They just agreed on my decision, knowing that I'll keep them informed.

*the next day*

I took Angela home with me since her parents were gone for the week on a cruise. I had already called them and told them about Angela. They were worried at first but calmed down after I told them she was fine. Angela lived with me until her parents got home from their trip. During that week, Angela thought bap bout my question and finally agreed to be my girlfriend.

...I've been smiling ever since. My life was finally complete...

A/N:..and so is this two-shot xD

This was meant to be a one-shot but I felt bad about the cliffhanger and gave Angela and Tristan a happy ending

P.S: I've also included pictures on what I think Angela and Tristan should look like.

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