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Add a kill ball here, That's unfair. How about a wraith? A few ghosts. A gravity hammer. Needs more platforms. More buildings. More snipers. More explosions! Your first forge map. Fit with spawns and a mess of weapons. Only problem one's playing it. Your battleground is empty. The subject that took you hours to make. You feel somewhat...distressed. Your mind wanders about reasons why, only to come to the conclusion that you suck. But is it true? Of course not. You dismissed your own result from your thoughts and looked back at the energy sword ridden map and held your head high. You begin to clean it up, less weapons, more space to manuever. More time invested into it showed it's true potential. As you press the submit button, the influx of favorites flow in. You feel accomplished. And what follows accomplishement is an influx to create more. And maybe more energy swords.

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