To each their own

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"Do you honestly think this is good idea?"

Patricia, lounging in her chair asked.


 And I didn't. I dreaded this aliance ever since Hawk Cabe Delgado came to me and suggested it.

Working side by side with men who walked on the very same edge of law to catch the newest narco boss in Denver, is not what I had in plan when I took this case.

Then again, that edge is no stranger to me. I used it many times before, and probably will again.

Still, somehow this aliance doesn't seem like it would be good. For any of the parts involved.

But, Benito Valenzuela has become too big of a problem to solve. For years now, dirtying the streets of Denver, wich Chaos, Nightingale, Delgado and more had almost entirely cleaned up.

Years ago, he was nobody, in a shadow of the big players like Townsed and Marcus Sloan. Just a little fish in a sea full of sharks. Then Townsed went down in prison, Marcus Sloan went legal and Valenzuela saw his shot and took it. Ever since then, his drug empire has been growing. It wasn't his dealing that was causing problems, everybody knows there's always drug problems, dealers, pimps on the streets. But Valenzuela then became cocky. First, messing with Delgado operations, infiltrating his men in Delgado's team. Something that costed Delgado money, time and, in the end, trust in his team. Hawk Delgado wasn't someone I liked, he was messy in his work, way to cocky for only a muscle, but still I felt for him when that happened. Not knowing who is the mole in your  own team...

Then he went for Nightingale. Lee Nightingale is private investigatore. On paper. In reality, he was someone who you would call if you need finding, say, drug dealer who nobody else can't find. And when he finds him, it's not police station where he's taking him. I, myself called him for businnes back when I lived in New York. Couple months ago, Valenzuela had drugs planted in his father's house. His father, former police officer, then went down in prison, spent three weeks there and came home with broken arm, severe concussion and seven broken ribs. Valenzuela planted a large amount of drugs as well some random witnesses said they saw his father at various dealing sites, so it was hard to get him out. Just in that time, I moved back to Denver and dealt with that. It is always good to have men like Nightingale and his team owning you a favor.

And then, he crossed a line.

Everybody in Denver knows that Chaos Motorcycle Club owns the town. You can have Delgado with his comandos, Nightingale with his team, but in the end Chaos are the ones who are rulling Denver. They fought for it and for all I know, they deserved it. Tack Kane Allen, former president of the club, took down latest one, cleaned up his men and took over. Then they expanded and became world famous for their cars, bikes and carsuplies. Seven years ago, Tack's son, Cole Rush Allen took over and kept with his father's tradition. And then some more. He opened up a admirable number of shops all over Denver, Detroit, some in Florida and even couple ones in New York. And, shocking everybody, two years ago, Rush Allen opened a public art school. Yes, biker opened up an art school. He's not teaching in it or anything but still. A art school around which Benito Valenzuela started dealing drugs to kids. Then around one Chaos shop, then another one, then another one... And now, bikers are coming to protect their own.

With me. Yep, I don't think this would turn out to be good idea.

"So, if you don't think this is good idea, why are you doing this?", Patricia asked.

Patricia is my beautiful, smart, amazing younger sister who was there along with me every step of the way. Way back then, when we were starting, we promised each other we'll be always together and kept that promise. Patricia lives still in New York and runs her own oil company. To the world just like me, cold, unemotional and overall satisfied with her life. But I know her better that that.

-"We don't have any other choice, Pato. You know this is the only way. Only safe way of doing this"

"You became too boring ever since you became judge. I liked you better as a lawyer"

I smiled. -"Shut up".

"Are you staying the night?", she asked.

-"No, honey. You know I hate leaving the girls alone overnight." 

And I did hate that. My two daughters, Elena and Sofia were everything to me. Elena is 18 and result of one drunken night with one of the associates in a firm I used to work, who in the end begged me not to ask him for any money or any responsability, or even meeting his daughter. Gladly. That way, my beautiful, amazing girl never finds how weak of a man her father is.

Sofia, my georgeus Sofia, were left behind an alley at just seven days old and then brought in a orphanage that I visited very next day. I had one of my firms to sponsor couple of orphanages and that day we were there to check it out. The second I saw her, I fell in love and been that way ever since. She is now 9.

"Ok, let me know when your plane lands", Pato stood up and hugged me.

-"Will do. Love you to the bits"

"Me too, Ale"

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