Varna wanted to.Keep herself away.If not happy.She was contented with life.Somewhat she believed.

Sydney trip became more easy.With having Priyam on her side.Both Varna and Shakthi stayed at her place.Priyam got along with Shakthi.Both getting on one side.Troubling and teasing.Her.She never thought.Priyam would like someone like Shakthi.he was funny and at same time.Of silent gloomy nature like her.They had everything same.Nature,likes and habits.

It was when she choked on her food.badly.Priyam asked her why doesnt she get married.To him.That felt like joke to her.Later she gave a thought.Letting it pass if he would be.interested in her.According to Varna.She was not someone.A guy would look up to.She felt from inside her insecurities rising.With time.

It was last day for their stay.When work ended previous day.They wanted to just relax.Go around places.Their flight was next day.Priyam had work so.Varna and Shakthi were alone.For a change.

Sh-"Varna you sit

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Sh-"Varna you sit.

I will place order."

Sitting in an open area.Varna looked at the pigeons.Flying and restless.She felt same from heart.When will she get rid.Of that feeling.Can life for a change be.Gentle and normal with her.She played with the chain she was.Wearing.

Shakthi came back.Waving his hand front of her.She came out of her thoughts.Gave smile to him.

Sh-"Lost in thoughts.Again.

I want to know.Whose the lucky one.Invading your thoughts always."

He ate the fries.Seeing Varna roll her eyes.He blushed and cleared his throat.he could stare at her.For whole day.There was something about her.Which attracted him.Deeply.Her simplicity and.Weird nature made him fall for her.Did he say.He fell for her.From first day itself.He realised it was love.

V-"Where are you lost now.


He shook his head.Varna frowned then.Got busy eating food.

Sh-"So.What are your plans.


V-"What plans.

Back to same.Old life.Work."

Sh-"Cant you think of anything.

beyond work Varna.Why is your life so gloomy.Unlike others."

Varna paused to have a look at him.Playing with spoon.On her plate.

V-"You noticed that.Too late.

I m better with my.Gloomy and weird.World"

Sh-"I didnt mean to hurt.You.Come on.


V-"Dont be.

I dont feel hurt.Or sad with remarks.Used to hearing this."

She gave a cute wink.He smiled shaking his head.Varna had something.Special.Which people fail to notice.She didnt let herself out.To anyone easily.

Sh-"Any plans for."


I wish.Chitti would have been here.Leaving tomorrow.

Will miss her."


It took her some time.To register what he said.he went silent.Not meeting her eyes.But still observing.How she reacted.She looked uncomfortable.


Whose getting married.Missed on quite few.

While was here."

Sh-"Never give it a thought.About yourself.

Thats mean."

V-"Im very selfish Shakthi.

I think about my ownself.Before anyone else.Thats why I love to live.Life in my own terms.Find me weird.I cant help."

She was done eating.Wiped her mouth with the napkin.Waiting for coffee.Shakthi glanced at her.Observing her body language.

Sh-"If someone wants to.Be part of your weird world then.What.Will you give him.Chance."

V-"Whose that.Someone.haha

First have to get.Him.right.Which wont."

Sh-"It may happen.

Just give it a chance."

Varna felt weird.with his tone.Two cups of coffee came.They thanked the waiter and.Shakthi took his cup.Stirring it with spoon.Varna took her one.Shakthi impatiently waited.her to see the cup.

When her eyes fell on it.A shock surfaced on her face.She checked twice.She was seeing what she felt.Then slowly.Met Shakthi's eyes.He had a smirk.While sipping the coffee.

Varna Shetty was sweating

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Varna Shetty was sweating.Nervous for something.She neevr expected to experience.In life.Did someone just.Proposed her.She has to give answer.


The story is moving forward.Hopefully will try to catch up.With next chapters.

Thank you for your patience.As writer I don't have heart to update.Few lines and wait for next.To come.Somehow I dont see this as good option.Justify this as reason for delay with updates.I try to give long chapter.So that story could move.

Please do not forget to vote.And comment.


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