Dance night

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Mephisto pv

I found Alice and Shima in the park, I feel like she has forgotten me she just moved right past me going so fast I didn't have time to grab her hand. I followed them back to school, hidden of course and saw them dancing. A plan sprung into action when she arrived home.

Alice pv

I walked home alone which was unusual was he really that mad? I was just laying with Shima, I don't think Shima knew but I know that Mephisto followed us back to school. not like I care we danced awkwardly to Panic At The Disco. I walked in and music began to play.



"Mephisto I'm sorry, I didn't think you would get this mad, please,"


"Mephisto please just talk to me!"

I was spun around into a dip, I looked and there he was smiling.

"Did you miss me love?"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me,"

"I-I-I did not,"

"Sure mmhm,"

"Oh piss off,"

He straightened up and began to dance with me.

"Mephisto I can't dance,"

"I know I saw you and Shima you guys are terrible,"


"Here put your feet on mine,"

"Whuh, ok,"

I put my feet on his and we danced all around the front room into the kitchen where Amaimon was getting candy. I was laughing and he was smiling. we danced all the way around until we were right where we started.

I got off his feet and we stood there I had my head in the crook of his neck, my hand on his shoulder and the other still holding it in the air as if we were still dancing, his hand at the small of my back.


I looked him on the eye


"I love you,"

"I love to,"

The next thing I knew we were being cliche like in the movies when they stare at each other slowly leaning in and right when they kiss they close their eyes and kiss, yeah that's what happened.

Amaimon walked in with a lollipop.

"Sorry to interrupt big brother but um I think someone's here,"

Mephisto looked up, forehead against mine.

"Who is it?"

"Some student from your school,"

"What's he look like?"

"His head looks like a skunk,"

"Oh god," I said

"What?" asked Mephisto

"It's Ryuji,"

Mephisto became alert

"Amaimon go all hamster and follow Alice to her room don't come out,"

"Yes big brother,"

Mephisto turned to me

"Go upstairs and watch him so he doesn't do anything stupid,"

I nodded

"Ryuji doesn't know,"

"About what?"

"Us and that I live here,"

He smirked

"I thought you said there was no us,"

"Oh piss off you clown,"

"Just like Ryuji,"

"Just go answer the door,"

He left, and I went upstairs.

Mephisto pv

"Ah Hello Ryuji what brings you here?"

"I think you know why,"

"I most certainly do not,"

"I'm here because Renzo told me Alice lives here,"

"Ah yes she does, there were no more dorms available,"

"Well I don't feel comfortable letting her live here,"

"I'm sorry but she does,"

"Listen you clown If find out that you even touch her I will not stop until you are dead,"

"That's a little harsh,"

Ryuji grunted

"One more thing, tomorrow we have the day off we were going to go to the beach ask her if she wants to go,"

"Ah I'm sure we would love to come,"

"No not you just her,"

"Hmm well I must insist to go if there are other cram school students going,"

Ryuji grunted again

"Fine, if you look at her ill punch you,"

"Well how am to not look at her?"

"You know what I mean,"

"Very well,"

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