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Bluebelle Syphon
Hi I'm Bluebelle Syphon and I'm here to tell you part of how my life started being awesome.
It all started out with a depressing story, between me and my aunt Rose. I'm way younger than her. It all started out on when I was little. My mother Ashton Syphon, got killed by a gang. She was just walking to the store.
I realized that she died when I was 12 and lived  with my aunt. She was only 16 then. I realized that her parents died in a fire. She was only 7 then, so it must be pretty tough for her. I started going to high school, I met a guy named
Hatty Hattington. He looked pretty cute, for someone short. I only met him at 15 though.
He was always the loneliest one in class, everyone called him the loner, which was kinda mean. While they have someone, I kinda felt guilt up my sleeve when I wrote him a note. It said :
Dear Hatty,
I hope you get better from the other people bullying you, I feel bad for you. I honestly want to be your friend. If you ever want to call me, I'll give you my number. I'm a loner too, it's all right.

~Bluebelle Syphon :)

Then I met a girl named Galaxy. She was kind too. But she turned out to be Hatty's good ol' friend. At first, I thought that was his girlfriend. But no, she was single too.
"Hey Hatty you see that girl with the butterfly wings over there? She looks pretty innocent and nice. Maybe you'd like to go talk to her! Isn't she the one who gave you that note?" Galaxy said. "Well, she is probably. I'll go try and talk to her." Hatty said. Walking over to me, "Hey uh are you the girl who  gave me this note? " He asked. BUT MMMM HE WAS SO CUTE! "H-how did you know!?" I asked, blushing madly red. "My good friend Galaxy thought it might be you" he answered, almost sounding adult-wise. "O-oh, I'm so sorry. What's your name?" I asked. "Hatty Hattington. And you?" "Bluebelle" I replied. "Want to hang out sometime?" He asked. "Oh sure, what day?"
"Tomorrow is fine." He replied, kinda blushing and turning his head. "Well, see you tomorrow!" I said, leaving out the door and heading to the mansion. I think I really like him.


See you next time my smol oreos!
~ ×o×o Galaxy

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