B r o k e n (Gelo)

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When you and gelo first started to hang out its was everything too him but you guys barly hangout anymore he dosen't call anymore he was your bestfriend. Today you decided to go to his house too see what was up.

When you pulled up you saw another care it was not foreign it was regular you brushed it off and thought someone got a rental. You got out the car and knocked on the door. Melo answered

"Oh hey" Melo said 

"Hi is-" You said getting cut off by melo 

"Is gelo here yes he is his in the living room with izzy" He said with a very devious look. 

you walked into the house and walked into the living room and saw gelo with a girl she was smiling at him and his arm was around him. He looked happier with her. As you walked away to walk out the door 

"y/n"You head a voice come from behind you 

There was a tear falling from you eye you felt head broken you got into you car and ignored the voice you put your head on the sterling wheel and when you sat up to drive off there was gelo infront of your car. He knocked on you window 

"Y/n" He said 

You rolled you window down and looked at him 

"Y/n are you ok"

You sighed 

"yea i just wanted to check up on you but i have to go......um help my mother with some stuff she's moving out her house" you said knowing you  was lying and my mother wasn't moving 

"Oh well alright ill call you later" He said with a smile

you gave him a faint smile and drove off.

As you drove off you thought about gelo and all the things he has done for you and you realized that you always had some one else on the low. It hurt that me moved on so fast.

When you got home you got a facetime call from gelo you anwsed it.

"Hello"You said into the phone

"So how is it" Gelo said

"Hows what"

"Helping your mom move"He said lifting his eyebrow

"I wasnt- Oh it was pretty boring" I said said with a fake smile

"Y/n i know you think that me and izzy are together but where not where just friends and you didn't have to lie about helping you mom move i called her and she said she wasn't moving" he said laughing

"It just. When i saw you with her you seemed more happier you know what im sayin" i said looking into the phone

"No one can make me happy as you make me" He said laughing 

I laughed and and said "Oh thanks"

"Well ill call you later i have basketball practice" he said 

As  hang up someone knocked on the door

i opened it

It was gelo i smiled 

"I forgot to say will you be my girlfriend" 

"Yes i will:

you hugged him and you smiled really big


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