Welcome Back (Master Roshi x Granddaughter!Reader)

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Yay! Part Two of the original Master Roshi oneshot! This one was for me, since I felt bad about how the other one ended... This is going to be the 'last' chapter... I have a quick note I'd like to add after this, so I'll save my talking for that. I hope you enjoy this one!


All you can see is light, and everything around you is spinning. You've been in a world of flowers for who knows how long, and now you're here. What's going on? Are you dying again? Was that fight at the Tournament not enough? Soon the lights fade and you're left in the dark. The lights were better, and you're starting to miss them. It would beat being in the void, right? You hear voices, and soon a heavy force meets your form. You gasp for breath, and hands are on you.

"Woah, woah!" a voice shouts, though you can hardly hear it through your coughing. "Yikes, I don't think I've seen anyone this bad-"

"Where... Where am I?" you ask is a rasping voice, peeking an eye open to look at the person holding you. The man looks down at you and gives a smile.

"Welcome back to Earth, (Y\N)!"


"So, you're saying I've come back to life?" you ask, sipping on your hot chocolate that Mrs. Bulma was kind enough to give you. Goku, as he informed you his name is, nods and crosses his arms. "I'm sorry, how am I back?"

"Well, there are these things called the Dragon Balls," Goku begins, "Long story. Point is, with them you can wish for almost anything!" You frown at him before looking back at your empty hot chocolate cup.

"Thank you for bringing me back, but I wish you didn't," you admit sadly. "I've been waiting for my Grandpa for so long, and I don't want him to be alone up there..." Goku and Bulma look at each other before growing serious.

"(Y\N), your grandfather is alive and healthy," she begins. "It's been a while since you've died, but he's still kicking." You blink and narrow your eyes. How can you trust them? Goku hums before standing abruptly.

"I know! Take a look at my gi," he says, pulling at the fabric. You look at the symbol before your eyes grow wide. The Turtle Symbol? "You recognize it, don'tcha?"

"If you're wearing that, then-"

"Master Roshi was my first teacher," Goku explains as he sits down. "And not too long ago, he told us about you. And so we decided to resurrect you without his knowledge! A surprise, huh?" You look up at Goku before smiling softly.

"So, when do I get to see my Grandpa?"


Master Roshi is doing dishes with a frown. Everyone is acting strange, and he has no explanation for it... Krillin wouldn't budge, and no one else was answering their phones. Strange... Soon Krillin laughs before peeking in to the kitchen. Master Roshi looks over his shoulder, which makes Krillin disappear behind the frame. There are hushed whispers, which makes the old man grumble.

"Teasing your elders isn't nice..." he huffs quietly. Soon there's silence, but Master Roshi pays it no mind. Then there's the sound of small feet; perhaps Marron entered the room? Soon there's a weight being thrown into his legs, which takes the old man down.

"Grandpa!" a voice shouts. A very, very familiar voice. Master Roshi glances at the little girl with wide eyes. Teary (E\C) eyes, messy (H\C) hair...

"(Y\N)? How are you... When did you..." Goku, Krillin, and Bulma enter the kitchen with large grins. "Did you three use the Dragon Balls to-"

"Sorry, Master Roshi! I just figured it would be nice to have her back," Goku says, scratching the back of his head. "Besides, (Y\N) here never got a real chance to be a fighter!" You grin at your grandpa before hugging him closer. Master Roshi returns the embrace before tears roll down his cheeks. It was nice having you back...


You grin as you play with the other kids. As it turns out, you are the same age as Trunks and Goten, and their other friends. Trunks attempts to tackle you, only to miss and crash into Goten. You laugh as you wave the ball, and you sprint to their goal. The other adults watch your game with glee; you are adapting to this life very well!

"Grandpa!" you call, running over. You crash into his legs and you stare up at him with wide and starry eyes. "Goten and Trunks can fly!" you gasp, pointing at the floating boys.

"Yes, almost everyone here can," Master Roshi explains. The look in your eye makes him nervous. Almost as nervous as the thought of you training again. You turn to face your friends, before glancing back at your grandfather.

"I want to learn how!"

"(Y\N), you could get hurt, and I don't-"

"Well, I'm sure you can learn," Krillin says, placing his hands on his hips. "After all, I can, as well as Videl! It'll take a while, but if you know the Kamehameha-"

"Wait, how do you know about that?" you question before looking at your Grandpa. Your eyes grow wide yet again, and a large grin breaks out onto your face. "You taught your students my move! That's so cool!" Master Roshi scratches the back of his head with a nervous chuckle.

"Sorry, I just-"

"Don't be! I'm happy that it got to be used and learned," you admit, nodding. You then turn back to Krillin with a determined expression. "I want to learn, how do I start?" Goten and Trunks run over with wide grins.

"Wait, we wanna teach you!" Trunks says, stopping on your left. "After all, we kinda want a new sparring partner."

"Plus then we can hang out more! It's easier than finding rides." You nod before running off, leaving Master Roshi to cover his face in nervousness. Krillin sends him a look before nudging his side.

"Calm down, I'm sure everything will be fine," he laughs. "You can't expect her to give everything up, can you?"

"I'm just nervous," the Turtle Hermit admits, shaking his head. "I don't want to see something bad happen again." Krillin crosses his arms before watching the three of you talk. "But you're right. If she wants to fight, then she's going to." Krillin nods, and they observe your clumsy learning.


"And then Mr. Goku said he'd train me!" you say, bouncing as you pace the living room. Master Roshi grumbles at the thought, but is happy regardless. The Hero of Earth can teach you a lot (Which is safer than anything). "And then we get to start in a few days!" You finally calm down before sitting next to your grandfather and wrapping your arms around him. Master Roshi returns the hug and sighs. "I missed you, Grandpa."

"I missed you, too." You glance up at him before yawning, which makes him chuckle. "Let's get you to bed. Your old room may be a little dusty... We can clean it tomorrow." You nod before falling back on the couch; your eyes close and you smile.

"See you in the morning, Grandpa."

"Good night, (Y\N)." Once you're asleep, Master Roshi drapes a blanket over you and puts a pillow under your head. He smiles before looking at his Turtle Companion. "Watch over her, will you?" The Turtle nods and comes closer before falling asleep. Master Roshi nods, then leaves to fall asleep. A part of him wonders if he'll wake up to you still being dead. Is this all one long dream? Only the morning will tell... But deep down he knows: you're back, and everything is fine again.

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