Chapter Three

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The Potter's house had an oppressive feeling that sent a chill running down Albus Dumbledore's spine, that same chill was felt by both Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and Minerva McGonagall. Feeling dread and fear deep into his bones Sirius Black pushes through everyone and ram into the Potter household.

"Sirius no! You have no idea what could be in there! We must enter as a group! Let me go in first to make sure that there are no traps in place!" Dumbledore called after him.

A loud shout was all that answered him, and moments later the breaking of all the windows left in tacked.

"Moony! They're dead! James, and sweet Lily... they're... dead." Sirius managed to say through sobs.

"Our cub?" Remus asked, tears rimmed his eyes.

"Missing." Answered Dumbledore and Minerva

Remus's eyes flashed yellow. "We will find our cub Sirius... we will find her... Even if I have to tear through every single person, witch, wizard, and muggle, to get her back! He snarled.

A black wolfhound howled in response.

"Remus! Sirius! Would you two calm down and see reason. I know you two are proud Gryffindor's but there will be no rash actions done! If you want to help your goddaughter, you need to use your mind. Albus... what should we do?" Minerva looked to him expectantly.

"I believe the best course of action is two make it public that young Hara is missing... something is bound to slip about her whereabouts." Dumbledore said the constant twinkle in his eye nonexistent.

"You KNOW who has him Albus..." Remus growled. His eyes still shining yellow.

"Remus... I can't see why Voldemort would take her. He wouldn't hesitate to kill her with her prophesied to kill him. He wouldn't let that kind of threat loom. My only guess is that she may have been rescued before Voldemort had the chance to take her life. Are you aware of anyone else who was under the fidelius charm? Anyone that could have possibly been here tonight that Voldemort wasn't aware of?"

A collective "no" was the only answer Dumbledore received.

"I see... I will contact the rest of the order and send everyone out to see what they can find. Remus, Sirius I believe that it might be best for you to go rest and settle your mind a bit. I will contact you in the morning with any new information."

"Rest? You expect us to be able to rest while our goddaughter is missing, and our best friends have been murdered by Voldemort?!" Remus screamed and looked on the verge of turning into moony.

"I think he might be right Remus..." Sirius put his arm on Remus and gave him a subtle squeeze hoping that he would get the message. "We will be of no help to our cub if we aren't in the right frame of mind."

Maybe... you're right Sirius. I apologize Albus. Do be in touch in the morning if you would. Thank you for being here Minerva." Said Remus. Both he and Sirius dipped their heads to both professors and disapparated back to Grimmauld Place.

"We must figure out where she is Sirius. I'm barely able to keep Moony from taking over from having both Lily and James gone, and little Hara still out there somewhere!" The last few words of Remus's sentence sounded more feral and had Sirius ready to turn into pastor at any moment to try to temper Moony.

"Don't you think I know that? But Dumbledore won't allow us to meddle with anything unless he knows every detail. You know that. We needed to get away from him so we can come up with a solution of our own! We are the Marauders! Get Wormtail here."

A quick Floo Network call later had Wormtail apparating into Sirius's study.

"What can I do for you, my friends?" Wormtail said with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

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