“Run Vik. Before Nooch comes, he'll kill you.” Vik gave Preston a forced smile and shook his head.

“Your right, being here just makes more people suffer.” And that was it. Nooch's sword went through Vik's back in one shot and he fell the ground with a smile on his face.

That was the end of the Cool Kid Club

Team Space Cake Fish

Jason was shaking as him and Ian made there way out from inside the sewers. The sun shine felt good on his skin but it didn't erase the image from his mind. They had lost Quentin the morning of the second day and now it was the morning of the third day. Even then the thought of Quentin hunched over coughing up blood wouldn't escape the boys mind.

“Come on Jason, maybe theres some food left up there.” Ian whispered ushering the shaken boy forward towards the small platform in the sky, “Nobody's risked the parkour up there I bet. We'll do it together okay?” Jason didn't respond but nodded his head and climbed onto the first jump and hit it instantly.

Ian followed behind him and soon they were at the top looking at a double chest. Jason stood watch while Ian searched inside it.

“Ian!” Jason hollered shaking the boy who pulled his head from the chest just in time for BlueMonkey to lung at Jason.

“No!” Ian shouted pushing himself between them getting himself slammed to the ground. BlueMonkey slammed his head hard into the stone below him until he was seeing stars and stood up. He strolled over to Jason and grabbed him walking him to the edge before pulling out a diamond sword.

“You people are just so attracted to Parkour. Especially those laughing people” Jason stiffened as he thought of Bodil and Double getting caught up here to busy goofing off to notice. BlueMonkey raised his diamond sword to Jasons neck and made a deep slash before pushing him backwards off the edge, his body slamming ruthlessly into the ground below unmoving. A canon fired.

“Jason from Team Space Cake Fish has been defeated” Ian rose to his feet holding a hand to his head and charged without thinking. In a swift movement he felt the diamond sword slide through his chest as the two of them sailed off the building and slammed into the ground. The Back of James head shattering like glass. Two canons fired.

“Ian from Team Space Cake Fish has been defeated. Space Cake fish has lost!” Was heard over the microphone to the remaining players. “BlueMonkey from team Artist has been defeated. Artist has lost!”

Team Troll

Bodil and Double were making there way slowly through the sewers. Bodil limped uncomfortably his right arm in a make shift sling. His right leg wasn't broke though it hurt the boy badly.

“Look a chest!” Bodil exclaimed his excitement getting to him. He reached to open the chest.

“Bodil Wait!” but it was too late. Bodil opened the trapped chest. A block moved from the wall and a dispenser shot out a potion knocking Bodil back and onto the ground. “God you never listen do you.”

“I'm fine Triple, you worry as much as Simon does. Jeesh” The Bulgarian laughed and got up, “I'm fine it was probably just a Mundane potion or something. The chest was empty so someones already been here, let's go to the right.” Double eyed the injured boy then nodded and turned down the sewer pipe and kept walking.

“Hey Double?” Bodil asked a few minutes later. Double glanced at him and raised an eyebrow, “Do you regret being on my team. I mean I'm like a helpless child.” He sighed

“Bodil if I didn't want to be your teammate I would have ditched you by now.” Double answered honestly, “I don't regret being your teammate, I regret not being stricter to you. Like now you need to stay off that bad foot let's sit down.” Bodil agreed and sat down on the cold stone setting his bag down next to him digging around in it.

“Do you mind re-wrapping my ribs? It came loose..” Bodil hesitantly asked holding out a roll of bandages. Double finished off the apple he was eating and moved over lifting up my shirt slightly. Having his ribs bandaged over kept the ones on his injured side from hurting as badly.

Bodil watched as Doubles careful hands unwrapped the bandage revealing the large purple bruise that covered his ribs. He ran his fingers over the bruise lightly before grabbed the roll of bandages and began wrapping them tightly around Bodil's ribs.

“Bodil...Do you hear that?” Double asked standing up. Bodil could hear it too. Rushing water. Double used all his strength to pull Bodil to his feet, grabbed there bags and made a break for the opposite end of the sewer tunnel. They could go left or right and when the water on the left began to overflow they opted for the right side and ran.

“I-I Can't run anymore” Bodil exclaimed beginning to slow as he coughed raggidly. His throat suddenly felt like it was burning and he slumped against the wall.

“No! Bodil come on! We can't be far from the exit!” Double assured him trying to pull him up. “Come on!”

“Double go on ahead. I can't run a-” He cut off his sentence by coughing more and blood began to drip out of the corner of his mouth and down his face. He slid down the wall until he was resting on the floor and began to cough more.

“I'm not leaving you Bodil.” Double whispered sitting next to the boy as the water began to flow over the edge of the stone platform soaking the bottoms of there pants.

“Your a real friend Double.” Bodil wispered coughing. Double wrapped his arms around Bodil's bruised torso and burried his face in his side. Bodil's good arm came around his best friend as the water began to flow over them, covering there laps.

“We don't win. But at least you wont be in pain anymore Bodil” Double exclaimed softly the water was now up to there chests and Double had moved his head up to Bodil's shoulder.

“No Triple we are winners. We lived this long.” And this one time. Double was okay with being called Triple as the water flowed over there heads and filled the tunnels. The two kept there eyes on each other until the deafening sound of two canons filled the arena heard by everyone except the two.

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