“You should really stop.” He pressed the tip of the blade to Mitch's throat, “Any last words?”

“Yeah KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY BENJA!” Mitch gasped as an axe sailed through the air slamming into the side of Antvenom's neck killing the man instantly. Looking up at the owner of the axe he let out a shaky breathe of relief.

“T-Thanks god Jerome...I-I was so scared.” Jerome smiled at Mitch as a canon fired.

“Antvenom from team PVP Pro has been defeated. Team PVP Pro has lost.” Mitch smiling slightly. One more person dead. Jerome leaned closer smirking.

“I'll always be here for my Benja. Let's get moving.” Jerome unbound Mitch's hands and through both of there bags on his back. Then knelt down picking up the shaken Canadian. He didn't argue and instead wrapped his arms around Jerome and buried his face in his neck.

Jerome was always there for his Bestfriend.

Team #Skylox

Sky and Deadlox froze as they heard the door downstairs shut. Slowly Sky let his hands grasp the wooden sword they had and made his way to the stairs. Ty made no move to object against Sky's defense.

He went around the corner of the stairs and rushed into the room pointing his sword at the intruder. Instead of being someone he had expected like Jerome or Ant. It was a friend of his.

Seto was hunched over against the wall near the door a hand pressed against his stomach. He raised his head to meet my eyes.

“D-Don't kill me” He mumbled weakly pulling his stone sword from its sheath and tossing it on the ground by my feet, “Please...J-Just let me rest here for a while.” Adam lowered his sword and gave a faint nod.

“Here let me help you.” He placed his sword back in its sheath and walked over cautiously putting an arm around Seto and helping the weak, frail boy up the stairs.

“Is that Seto?” Ty asked sitting up a bit straighter. He nodded setting down Seto against the wall near Ty.

“Where are you hurt Seto? Were gonna help you.” With a shaky hand Seto reached out and pulled up his purple shirt revealing a sickly wound, but it wasn't too deap.

“Let me stitch that up.” Adam grabbed the first aid kit and grinned, “I am a professional at sewing up wounds right Ty?”

“Shut it.” Adam laughed and moved Seto so he was lying on his back after removing the boys shirt. Adam cleaned around the wound and sewed it up like he had done to Ty's foot. Except Seto was a bit more out of it than expected and blacked out part way through the sewing. One his wound was banadged he moved him back towards the wall and curled up next to Ty.

“I'm Sorry I helped him, I couldn't just kill him.” Adam whispered to Ty who lifted his head and smiled.

“Its fine. I wouldn't have been able to do it either.” Ty whispered back sliding himself closer to Adam resting himself against him.

“He had some painkillers in bag, do you want one?” He shook his head and moved over curling himself against Adam's chest. Adam allowed him letting the injured boy get comfortable against him.

“You keeping watch?” Ty mumbled closing his eyes yawning. Adam smiled running his fingers through the boys hair.

“Yeah, you just sleep.” Ty yawned once more and almost instantly fell asleep resting in the arms of his best friend.

Team I Give Up

“Shit who the hell taught you to stitch up a wound!” Tyler hissed at Kyle who unsuccessfully was trying to fix up his teammates shoulder for the fourth time. It had been injured on the first day and the second day was coming to a close. The two were camping out on the lower part of a really tall mountain and planned to move on up the mountain during the night.

“Fine then i'll stop trying” Kyle exclaimed standing up grabbing his bow off the ground followed by his sheath of arrows and started walking. These two had not been the best team ever and had been fighting constantly and what to do and where to go. They both needed someone else to be in charge and taking charge never seemed to work for them.

“Hold on wait for me!” Tyler shouted getting to his feet grabbing his wooden sword and slinging his bag on his good shoulder before hurrying after his friend. Kyle waited for his friend to catch up then continued up the mountain.

“Shh do you hear that?” Kyle whispered as they neared the top.

“Come on Man, share the pumpkin pie you know I love that stuff!” Both of them froze at the voice. It was Noah.

“Do you think we can take them? Its worth a shot. Use the bow thingy” Tyler ushered to the bow and Kyle notched an arrow moving up the hill slowly. They could just barely see into the cave now and they saw Noah sitting against a wall looking through his backpack.

“Come on man! Where did you hide it?” Noah hollered back into the cave followed by Palmer's laughter. Kyle held his breathe and fired the bow, but just at the moment Noah leaned forward and the arrow sailed into the wall behind him.

“Palmer we got people!” Noah shouted his eyes finding us immediately. Grasping the arrow and pulling it from the wall, he notched it and fired before either of the two could move.

“Tyler!” Kyle hollered as the arrow sailed through the boys neck knocking his body backwards and down part of the mountain. Palmer appeared from the back of the cave and charge Kyle with a stone axe.

With one swing of his weapon kyle went down. Ending Team I Give Up.

The Minecraft Games.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon