Chapter Twenty-Two: Falling is Like This

Start from the beginning

Elspeth took a deep breath and swallowed as her shoulder throbbed. "I'm okay," she reassured him although by the look on his face, he wasn't convinced. "Lydia and I met a storm wizard earlier and I got nailed with a rather powerful lightening spell—and you know, when they don't kill you, they tend to linger." She took this opportunity to kick off her boots and pull her legs up on to the bed.

Onmund still looked doubtful and when his eyes wandered over to the box where he had put his amulet, doubt turned guilt. "Oh Elspeth I'm so—"

But she wouldn't hear it. She interrupted his apology with another long, lingering kiss and then leaned back on the bed, bringing him with her. He grinned and kissed her neck, trailing his lips across her collarbone. She sighed and rolled her head back while he slowly undid the strings on her robe and slid his hands under the fabric, gasping as he touched the skin underneath. Elspeth leaned up on her elbows, letting the robe slip off her shoulders and kicking her legs out.

Onmund looked her over as she stretched back. "Oh gods," he whispered, "look at you." Elspeth's heart leapt and she rolled over and tugged at the sash on his robe and then watched as he quickly kneed up on the bed and undressed.

His robe hit the floor with a thud, but she barely noticed as she was staring at him, wide-eyed and astonished. Having lived in the communal quarters of Arcane for several years, Elspeth had seen more than her fair share of mages without their robes on. In her experience, they tended to be thin with soft bellies and sloped shoulders. Even the strong ones, like the battlemages and spellswords, were wiry and sort of gangling. Not Onmund. He was lean, but his stomach was carved and his arms and legs were strong—very strong. Elspeth wanted to grope every muscle, from his calves all the way up to where the top of his back met his neck.

She pulled herself down toward him as he kneeled over her, holding himself up with his hands. Until this moment, she had been able to ignore how nervous she was. But when she looked up and she saw that that the playfulness in his eyes had given way to longing, she couldn't ignore it any longer. This longing was not only for her body; it was for something more. There wasn't a single part of her didn't want and he wasn't holding back. And in that instant, she felt the burden of all her fears—what it would mean to give every part of herself over to someone again. But she also felt, deep in her heart, the chance to let them go. And as much as it terrified her, she wouldn't resist. In fact, she couldn't.

She ran her hands up along his arms, pulling him down gently on top of her, curious fingers exploring the muscles on his back and chest. He kissed her, more aggressively this time, and then let his eager mouth and hands wander, biting and massaging her skin. He moved lower, running his tongue along her breasts and stopping to nuzzle the soft skin at the top of her belly. He stopped there to listen to her breathe as waves of excitement and nervousness washed over him. He had never wanted anyone or anything so much, and yet, if given the chance, he could lie there forever, feeling her chest rise and fall against his cheek. Elspeth let out a light sigh and hooked her legs around his, gently nudging him up with the inside of her calf.

When he lifted his head to hers, she tugged at his loincloth, her hands shaking with nervous excitement. As she slid the cloth down his leg with her foot, he touched the inside of her underclothes gingerly and slipped his hand in, removing them as she arched her back and let out a soft moan. Then, kneeling between her legs, he gently pushed her thighs open, and eased into her carefully, letting out a quiet groan when their bodies met. She was warm and tight and perfect. He moved slowly at first, stepping up his thrusts with hers and then, when they were in near perfect rhythm, he moved faster, driving himself deep into her—listening to her sweet cries of pleasure grow louder.

With every thrust, her body swelled with ecstasy—vibrating through her spine and along every nerve right through the tips of her fingers and toes. Elspeth had never before been able to let go, not completely, not like this. Every time that she'd lain with Andil, she had been distracted, always keeping an ear to the door, praying to Mara that no one would catch them. He had tried so hard to help put her ease but it never worked—such were the fears of someone who had never, in her whole life, had anything private.

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