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A/N: Please make sure to read and FOLLOW all of the rules. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask

1: Don't be a Mary Sue. AKA, you're an attention hog and you have every ability known to man (and ghost). Also you can't really be indestructible. Even if it's just a scratch, try to play fair.

2: Just be kind to one another, hate the character not the creator.

3: Try and keep the cussing to a minimum when in a group rp, I personally don't mind it but others might.

4: Under no circumstances will there be smut/"naughty things"

5: If you read all of the rules, say your favorite character at the end of your form

6: Please for the love of all things holy, DO NOT spam me with 6 or more messages if I don't reply within a day or so. It just makes me not want to reply more

7: Please Try and be descriptive (in THIRD person). I don't want sentences that are literally two or three words long, it tends to make the rp stale

8: Last but not least, just don't do anything stupid, and have fun!

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