Chapter 2

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I smiled as I walked out. It felt so good to do that to the biggest jerk in the town. The sun was only just in the sky, and ponies were starting to wake up and walk around the town. I used my cloak to cover up my face and mane, (which had been cut incredibly short) and walked back to my house. No pony really disturbs me. I've told enough tales and myths to scare the ponies. Except for Over-Easy, who didn't mind the stories, he just cared about getting paid. Out of everypony in the village, Over-Easy and Cherry Jubilee were the only ponies who listened to me and/or considered me a friend. But, I didn't think of them as friends. If...she...ever found me, having a bond like that could put them in danger, and I didn't want anypony I loved in danger again. I sighed, and tried to keep my mind off a sudden memory, but was unable to. The memory took over me


I ran. Once the train pulled up to the train station, I ran. I had to get to my friends, they could help her and stop...him. The magical Crystal Heart was levitating beside me, the sun shining on it and creating a rainbow of color. I smiled sadly, this rainbow wouldn't have been created if Twilight didn't turn. The Rainbow after the Rain, I suppose. I came upon the Crystal Castle that belonged to Twilight. I burst trough the door and ran to the throne room, where I promptly burst open the door again.

"Darling, what's the matter?" Rarity asked, looking worried. She looked from me to the Crystal Heart and back. "And why do you have the Crystal Heart?" Applejack raised and eyebrow. "What's goin' on here, Sugercube?" "Twilight..." I breathed, "Evil...grabbed...the Heart...before..." I couldn't get the words out, I was shaking too badly. I felt a hoof on my hip. "Are you alright?" Fluttershy asked me. I shook my head. Rarity took the Crystal Heart out of my levitation field and put it down on the table. "Darling, are you okay? What's going on?"

So I told them.

I told them everything.

And that was my mistake...


I was pulled out of that memory when I felt another hoof on my hip. I turned to the cream colored pony with cherry red hair. "Are you doin' alright, Sugercube?" Cherry Jubilee asked me. I shook my head. "Yeah, just...spaced out, I guess." She smiled. "Well I hope you as fit as a fiddle, because I just got a huge ord'r a' cherries, and I'd like your help with it."

I walked beside Cherry Jubilee as she lead me to the cherry sorting station. Of course I said yes to her offer. She had done so much for me. Gotten me a house, a job, and somepony to trust, even if she didn't know it. She tired to face me, her smile shinning brightly. If only she knew...

"So, all I need ya to do is put the yellow cherries in the yellow box," She pointed towards a yellow box with a yellow cherry on it. "And put the red cherries in the red box." She pointed to a red box with a red cherry on it. "Think ya can handle it?" She asked. I smiled. "Maybe...can't make any promises." I winked. "Oh! I almost forgot..." Cherry Jubilee said, walking over to a door. I followed her, but she stopped me. "Stay right here, will ya?" She said, and walked toward the door. I walked toward the contraption that was the cherry sorter.

It was a conveyer belt.

And it was powered by pony walking power.

I had never really seen a contraption like this the entire time I was In Ponyville. Only in Dodge City, I guess.
Cherry Jubilee came through the door with a light yellow-orange filly with Cherry Jubilee's cherry red hair, and green eyes. She smiled at the sight of me, and ran over to me. "Hi! Welcome to my mother's Cherry store!" The mare said in an excited tone, also having her mother's accent with a hint of country in it. "My name's Cherry Cheesecake!" I smiled at the filly. She was way more outgoing than I ever was. I timidly shook her hoof. "Nice to meet you. I'm Magical Wisps." I said, trying to sound friendly. She tilted her head to the side. "Are you a magician? Can you show me a trick?" She asked excitingly, "Oh! I know one! Pull a rabbit out of my dad's hat." She took the brown hat off her head, and handed it to me. "Alright now, dear, calm down." Cherry Jubilee said, walking up to Cheesecake. "Sorry, she's got her dad's personality." "No, it's fine." I smiled at the filly. "I'm not a magician, I'm a potion maker, although I did have a friend who was-" "YOU MAKE POTIONS??" The filly exclaimed. "Can you show me some?" "Maybe another time," Cherry Jubilee popped in. "Y'all got work to do, I'll be back in a bit." She walked out of the room. "Oh! I know! Can you tell me some stories? Especially dangerous one." She smiled evily on the last part. I chuckled and walked over to the conveyor belt.


The elements of harmony and the Crystal Heart were there underneath the floor board, where they always were, but something magical started to happen, while nopony was watching...

The element of Laughter started to glow...

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