Chapter 3

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"So then he took me to this beautiful hotel room and...we did 'it'." Mimi squealed as the other girls gasped. I sighed. Mimi may be one of my closet friends but sometimes I hate hearing about her dates and sex life. "So what happened after that?" Jasmine asked, chewing slowly on her french fries. "Well...we woke  up the next morning-" I blocked Mimi's words out as I thought about the encounter I had with the new kid. My heart began to beat faster. Let's see, what did he look like again? I closed my eyes and tried to remember.

"I don't remember..." I mumbled to myself. I thought long and hard but all I remembered was his voice. A deep baritone voice but high enough to understand and take your breath away. "I just need to see his face again." "Bom what are you doing?" Mimi asked. I looked down and saw there was ketchup all over my hands. "Oh...I was doing something I saw on tv. They said the smell of ketchup attracts males even faster." I lied, all the girls gasped and suddenly grabbed some ketchup. "Really?" A girl asked, I slowly nodded. "Wow..." They all said in awe.

I watched as they all squirted some ketchup on their hands and rubbed it on furiously. I shook my head, how easily they listen to me.

"Amazing...You have some obedient clones Bom." A familar voice said. I turned around and was met face to face with Anthony, he was so close that I could feel his breath on my lips. "Their not my clones, their my f-"  "Acquaintances?" He cut me off. "No, f-" "Oh sorry, did you mean people your only hanging around with because you want to give that image off of 'I'm a nice, sweet, humble girl'?" He snarled. He smirked at my reaction and leaned back in his chair. I squinted my eyes at him and puckered my lips, "Hey...Do you want to die?"I asked angrily. "How dare you come up to me and accuse me of something that's not true. You don't know me so don't  run around here and point fingers at people acting like you know something, cause you don't." I said and got up, I grabbed my book bag and stomped out the lunch room.

"Hey! Where are you going?" He called as he ran after me. "Don't follow me!" I yelled, my voice cracking. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, but I wouldn't let him see that. Just when I was about to turn the corner, Anthony grabbed my wrist and yanked my arm back. Next thing I knew, I was face to face with him again.

"Let go of me." I demanded.

"No." He refused.

"Let go!" I screamed, now I'm really gonna lose my voice.

"I said no!" He yelled even louder. I flinched at his tone and got quiet. He sighed. "I'm sorry...for everything. It's just..." He stopped and let go of my arm. "Some kid named Iverson told me you were a bitch and I believed him, so I treated you that way. That is until I realised you weren't." Anthony explained.

"Iverson?" I asked. "Iverson Allen...He wouldn't do such a thing. Yeah we butt heads and I'm a bit harsh on him, but him saying something like that-" "Is what he said." I rolled my eyes and backed up from Anthony. "Excuse me, but I'm late for a team meeting." I mumbled and walked away.


"Hello everyone." I called out as I walked in to the team room. All the girls looked up and scoffed. Okay? I sat down and waited for our coach to come in. Slowly, the girls resumed talking and picked their conversation back up. I sat there and twinddled my fingers, out the corner of my eye I could see my team eyeing me. What is up with everyone today? I turned around in my chair.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked. Chelsa, our co-captain, got up and made her way toward me. When she got to my desk, she slammed her hands down and got close to my face.

"Bom...the team's been talking and we don't want you as our Captain anymore." She said. I nodded my head, "Okay that's cool." I said nonchantley, "Anyone can be captain, I'm still playing so-" She suddenly cut me off. "No Bom. You're not on the team anymore. We want you off and gone." Tracie, another teammate, yelled. There was a chorus of 'yeahs' followed after her statement.

"But why?" I asked. "What did I do?" "Oh you don't know?" Chelsa asked in disbelief. She scoffed and pulled out her phone, next thing I knew she shoved her phone in my face. I looked at a video being played, but it was so blurry and dark that I couldn't make out what was happening. "Whats that?" I questioned as I squinted my eyes. "What's this? It's a video of you betraying us and seling our hard work!" She said. What? " dare you give our plays to the other team!" She yelled angrily. "We worked so hard on those plays, writing and running them, constanly and constanly! And you just give them away?" Chelsa had tears streaming down her face. "I never knew you could be like could you?" She asked tearfully. My heart broke seeing my right hand person cry. I reached out to her.

"Chelsa I-" I started.


"You shut your damn mouth! I don't even want to hear you breathe. Get out before I really hurt you!" She screeched. I closed my mouth and felt my cheek, it was hot and numb. "Why are you still here? Go!" She urged and grabbed my bag, she opened the door and threw my gym bag out. Then she marched over to me and grabbed my wrist, she pulled me along with her. As I stumbled and tripped, she yanked my arm as hard as she could and pushed me out the door.

"Don't you dare come back! And if I find out you're playing another sport or for another team, it will be more than a slap." She warned and slammed the door.

What just happened?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2014 ⏰

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