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Now, as you probably read the title/description,(it's okay if you didn't) this will be a story of You and Lumine. (Like it or not) It won't include smut, here should be a couple things for you to remember, most of it I have done it for you.

Should you have a servant? May

Y/N: Your name

F/F: Your Favorite Food (For some of you guys, I know it's hard to pick)

Eye Color: Sectoral Heterochromia eyes, so. . . 2 colors:)  E/C #1,  E/C #2

Mother: Possibly Dead,

Father: unknown

Hair color: White

Y/N: Werewolf (I swear, after so many fanfiction of this comic, Werewolf is nolonger extinct, because most authors go with Werewolf)

I think that's pretty much it.


Lumine x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon