part 1

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A girl is shown…sleeping covering her face…….another girl come and wake her…

G2:ragu get up na….
R:plz…swaru….5 min..
S:but the boys family is coming to see u…
R:plzzzz….then I will not even get up…bye..

Ragini push swara out..

After lot of struggle….swara convenced ragini and brought her down…
All saw ragini……but she was searching for her groom…
Ap:ragini beta…laksh didn’t came…as he has some work in office…
Ragini bend her head…..all started laughing…

They fixed raglak mrg after a weak …because of their kundali…
Ragini was irritated since..she was not intersed in marring…

While all moving out….ap came near ragini…

Ap:laksh will like u…since u r traditional…
She went..ragini smirked….
Ragini some how got laksh number…..

Rag pov..

He like traditional girl n…kk then now I will show him….but now it is
only 6…but if I call him by 11….he have my first impression as
bad…then wowowowoww….
She was not able to control her sleep….at 9….so she kept alarm and slept…

Alarm rang…
Oh god….now I have to talk to him….but this is not right…but I have to
do this to cancle this mrg…
She txted laksh…
R:hii is this laksh j……laksh…
Ji….he is so traditional….it will be easy for me…
R:laksh im ragini..
L:hi….ragini jiii…
R:u can call me ragzzz….dude…
L:yeh kk ragzz,,,
L:didn’t u sleep….its so late…
R:no I don’t sleep so soon…
L:ohhhh kkk..then…

Ragini laughed…..

They talk for some time….
Ragini was lost in way of txting…she liked him…but don’t want to mry now…

Nxt day….

Ragini was cleaning her room…
Suddenly swara came running and called ragini down…
She saw a boy taking with her father…
Her heart beat increased…
Ragini and him shared a cute eyelock…
Both came out..
R:ji papa..
Sh:this is sanskar… frnds son..he is going to be here for 2days
….plz take care of him…and show him the room nxt to urs…
Both moved…
While clibing the stairs…she sliped…
He caught her waist….preventing her from falling…

Both shared a cute eye lock…

Then they compossed and moved to his room..
R:thank u for saving me…sanskar ji..
S;its kk….ragz..

R:if u don’t mind….call me ragini..i m comfortable with it…
S:then u call me…mmmm
Ragini laughed…
S:yeh…I don’t know…u say something..
R:mm kk….lacky…
S:oh oh..remembering ur fiancé…he teased her…

She was lost…
‘do I really missing him…y should i..i don’t like him…but I gave this
name since…I felt lucky to see such an handsome before me….what I m I

To be continued…..

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