Paultryck I guess

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Paul glanced around his darkened terrain. He looked down and paused, "Ice...? Wait where's Pal?!" Paul gently walked on the ice and looked around. There was a bug crack. In the middle of the ice. Paul walked over, non nonchalant of course, and bent to his knees, "Pal!! Pally!!" He saw a glimpse of a mixed pink and yellow sweater and tugged on it. Pal was shivering, he was too cold, his heart beat was so slow it pained him to breathe. Paul quickly took off his own sweater and Trench coat before putting them on the boy, "Pal!! What were you thinking?!"
Pal shook his head, "Pay was right. Love is overrated." Paul rubbed Pal's arms to warm him up, "Huh? What do you mean?" Pal threw up whatever water that was in his stomach before falling onto Paul and fell silent. Paul quickly placed a hand on Pal's neck. Nothing. He tried to give Pal CPR, but nothing would work. He was just empty now. Paul picked Pal up and headed up the snowy hill back to the base.

//Http-Zolty totally not crying.

Some Random Mix of stories??حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن