November 4th, 2018

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Jesus Christ.... hi- I'm back... don't hurt meh ;~; I've been gone for a bit because of some personal things, but I'd like to still thank you all so much for all the reads and nice comments^^ you've all been great! Now I'll be done being cheesy and write some gay shit.

Your POV
I walked out of my home with a nervous grin on my face as Earl crawled into my bag. I huffed halfheartedly as I started on the path for school. The grunts and squeaks from Earl became annoying as he pulled her out of my bag and looked at her," What are you whining about? I made you a whole bed and I even put- oh... you don't eat regular food... " I asked and then smiled nervously as I set Earl down on the ground and looked into my bag," Goddamn it Earl..." I whispered and then hesitantly looked back at the demon. Earl only burped and then rolled to his side," You didn't feed me this morning, (F/N)", She hissed and then crawled back into the bag. I stared with confused eyes as I watched her curl up into a ball," You ate... everything... in my bag-" I retorted. Soon, I felt a hand on my back. I froze and looked around to see the boy from the nail incident," Uh- oh- hello there..." I laughed nervously and zipped up my bag. Feeling a bit uncomfortable, the other boy moved some steps closer to me. I backed up as the smile fainted from his face," R-Remember me from the store?" I asked quietly. The boy only continued to walk towards me until I hit the neighbors fence," Uh-", I was soon cut off by the tall males hand slamming up against the fence beside him. I shook with fear as I then ducked under his arm and grabbed my bag before running away. The boy only watched and then walked after me. I dashed onto the schools campos panting. Everything was spinning as I then walked quietly into school. Everything seemed silent, and everyone seemed to stared at me. Feeling the overwhelming sense of a rumor, I went over to the schools newspaper holder and took out a piece of money from my pocket and disposed of it in the little slot. There soon was a ding as I reached my hand in. I pulled one of the papers out and saw the newspapers top story....

(F/N) (L/N) was found dead in the rankings of a gym closet.

My breath hitched as I almost began to scream. I then felt the door from one of the classrooms down the hall slam open. There, Ayato, came dashing down the halls," Where is he?!" He exclaimed as he ran right past me. I froze and waited for all the other students answers. But instead, they all pointed to where I was standing. Ayato then slowly turned around and stared wide eyed at me. I looked around and then I looked behind me, but it was sure that Ayato was looking at me. I then back up a bit as Ayato started to come closer," Uh- Ayato-" I was cut off again when I felt his arms wrap around me and pulled me into a bear hug," A-Ayato, what are you doing? Why are doing?" I asked and then backed out of the hug, only to be pulled in again," Wow, Ayato, I had no idea you had feelings..." A voice rang from the back of the crowd. I felt Ayato's heart stop for a moment until he let go and tightly grabbed onto my wrist. I winced and then looked to see who the voice belonged to. And, of course, there stood the same boy that pinned me to the fence this morning. My eyes widened as I started to pull and tug out of Ayato's grasp before Earl came out and bit his hand," Jesus fucking Christ!" He yelled and looked back. Earl already crawled into my bag once more as he turned and looked down at me," (F/N), did you just bite me?" He seemed to hiss as he narrowed his eyes. I stumbled backwards and hen started to run the opposite direction from the crowd. I slid around the corners until I came to a flipped table and hid behind it. Everything started to cloud my mind as tears welled up in my eyes. Then, a calm and sweet voice rang from the other side of the table. I looked to the other side and saw the cooking cloud leader," (F/N)? I thought you were dead! The paper-" I cut him off," I-I know, I don't know what happened... why everything is even happening!" I cried as the tears started to flow down my cheeks. I seemed to break into an emotional mess and the leader sat beside me as started to ruffle my hair. I only smacked his hand away," Sorry, I just really... really don't want to be here anymore..." I choked out through tears. Amao only sat next to me and held me close to his chest," Here, come with me, Earl and you could use something to eat..." He whispered and then got up. I stayed in place until he reached down and swooped me up into his arms," Uh- I'll walk actually!" Said nervously and then hopped out of the bridal carry and walked hastily behind him. Amao and I soon turned the corner to reveal the cooking club. I shook the tears from my eyes and then entered the club. I sat down at the counter and gently breathed until Amao came back and set down a hot cup of tea in front of me. I stared at it for a bit until my thoughts were interrupted by the loud clank of a nail cash. I tilted my head and then remembered Earl. I pulled her out of my bag and set her down next to the tool box. She soon stared to much on it. I smiled lightly and then felt Amao briskly swipe his thumb under my chin while his index finger rubbed against my bottom lip. He turned my head to face his as my emotions started to flood through me. I sighed shakily," A-Amao?" I asked but he didn't listen. The only thing he did was stare into my eyes and smirk. I sighed and then put my hand on his arm and brought it down. I stared up at him," Amao... what are y-you even doing?" I asked until he stood up and pinned me down to the counter. Both of my wrists were in each other his palms as our torsos touched. I blushed and then started to kick," Oh, don't be so prude~ we both know you wanted this~" He whispered sexily into my ears," No, No I don't!" Yelled as Earl watched," Wow, I love watching live action porn..." She smirked," Earl! Help me!" I whined and then was cut off by Amao sticking two fingers into my mouth. I winced and the but down on them. He pulled them out and then washed the saliva on his apron before he tugged at my hair," Amao- s-stop-" I pleaded. In the background, Earl huffed and the blew fire from her nostrils as she then sat down," Well, I've done all I can do-" She snickered and then watched them," Seriously! Earl!" I pleaded again until Amao brought his hand back up to my mouth," You're loud, cupcake. Now sit tight~" he chuckled again as his body punched closer to mine. I froze and then bit down hard on his fingers. He let go of one of my wrists to wipe his fingers off again before I used my spare hand to grab the hot tea. And before Amao could do anything, the tea went flying onto his face. He took both hands off me. I looked at Earl who seemed unsatisfied. I didn't grab her as I dashed out of the cooking club room and then into the boys bathroom. I slammed the door to one of the stalls and stepped onto the toilet with both feet and then went into a cradle position and started to weep again. The tears wouldn't stop falling out as I covered my head with my hands. I was shaking immensely until a voice rang from the bathrooms entrance," Ryan?" It was Megamo's voice. Not him. Anyone but him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2018 ⏰

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