1: Third Person POV

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Percy groaned as he heard the slapping of bare feet hitting the wood floor. "Annabeth?" He asked, muffled by the pillow he held against his face. He quickly shot up and raced to the bathroom when he heard retching. He pulled Annabeth's hair back and brushed it out of her face.

"You okay wise girl?" he asked. Annabeth shook her head.

"Percy... " she started cautiously.


"I might be pregnant."

Two Hours later...
"Perce, quit pacing." Annabeth muttered. Percy threw his hands in the air in disdain.

"I can't!" He exclaimed. Annabeth sighed and walked over to her husband. She put her head on his shoulder. She then grabbed his hand and put it over her stomach. Percy quit pacing and looked at his wife with a confused expression. Annabeth just smiled.

"Do you want this?" Annabeth asked. Percy looked bewildered by her question. He nodded continually. Annabeth smiled and looked up at her seaweed brain, giving him a slight peck on the lips.

A day and a half later

"Okay, Annabeth you are pregnant!" Will exclaimed. Percy smiled like he just found out there was an all you can eat buffet in the hospital room. I smiled and took Percy's hand.

9 Months Later

"Percy!!!!!" Annabeth screamed. Percy came rushing down the stairs and to the couch where Annabeth was sitting. He looked at her with a confused expression.

"My water broke!" She exclaimed. Percy went wide-eyed and being the guy he was, just stood there like a deer in headlights. Annabeth's face reddened in frustration. Annabeth grabbed her phone and called Piper.

At the hospital

"TWINS!!!!!!!!" Annabeth and Percy exclaimed. Will nodded shyly. Hera had appeared (unexpectedly) to Will and told him that they would have twins. shocker right!!! (Note the sarcasm)

"That's great!! They could be double me!!!" Percy yelled happily. The guys all high fives and whooped. Annabeth and girls all crossed their arms and gave the guys death glares. Piper spoke up.

"If these babies look nothing like Annabeth, I swear to the gods you'll be in big trouble. All of you!" The sky rumbled and Piper rolled her eyes.

"And I will keep this promise! I swear on the river Styx!" Piper yelled at the sky.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!" Annabeth screamed.

"She's going into labor! Percy get in here! Everyone else out!" Will exclaimed. Everyone went out and waited for what seemed like hours, which it was. Finally Will came out and motioned for everyone to come in, but told them to be quit because the babies were very sensitive to sound. Everyone went on and awed at the newborns.

"Names?" Piper asked. Annabeth and Percy smiled widely.

"Well this bugaboo right here is Andrea Zoë Jackson. And this handsome tidal wave of mine is Lucas Chase Jackson." Percy said happily.

"Leave it to Perce to come up with the stupid nicknames!" Jason muttered. Annabeth and the girls laughed.

"Yep, but he'll be a great father! And hopefully they won't inherit his stupidity!" Annabeth said. Everyone laughed again. Percy frowned and scratched his head.

"What's that suppose to mean?" He asked.

Read this: URGENT
A/N: Hey guys!!!! SO, how'd you like it. Oh, who am I kidding! I probably put you through living hell with my spelling mistakes. Well, anyway I wrote this to say: Numero Uno: I do not own PJO or HOO Ole' Uncle Rick does. Numero Dos: These next few chapters will be little big moments in their lives!

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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