Chapter 18

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As I continue to think it over, some of the mutants return with Daphne, who struggles against their grip. "So, what will it be, Aqua?" Tritannus asks. "Will you join us?"

I glance at Daphne, as she stares at me with wide eyes. "Aqua! Don't do it!" She declares, as I look at her in surprise. Worry creases my brow, as I meet her gaze.

She's right about one thing. I won't join them, even if it means pretending to be on Tritannus' side. I have to think of another way, but I don't have much time! I have to save her!

"If you let her go, I'll consider it!" I state, as Tritannus eyes me cautiously. He looks over at Daphne, whose intently staring at me. "Aqua, get out of here!" Daphne orders.

"I can't leave you!" I proclaim, clenching my fists in desperation. "For Bloom's sake!" Her eyes widen in surprise, as a frown forms on her lips. I look at Tritannus, before shooting him a glare.

"Go!" Daphne shouts. "Leave me here!" I meet her gaze, not wanting to leave her here. I wouldn't be able to face Bloom if I left Daphne here. I'm strong enough! I can beat him! Perhaps, if Daphne and I work together, then we could remove him from the infinite ocean.

"No way!"

The mutants continue to get closer to me, as I look around for Nissa. She has to be here somewhere. Nissa, find the Winx! I state, knowing that she heard me. I nervously glance around, knowing that I have to do something.

"Daphne, call Bloom," I order, as her eyes widen in surprise. "Now." She nods, struggling to call for Bloom's help. I frown, knowing that my only chance lies with Nissa.

"Look what I got!" Icy's voice comes from the right. I slowly look in that direction, only to see her holding Nissa by the tail. I freeze, knowing that there's no way out of this. "Nissa!" I gasp, as she struggles against Icy's grasp.

This isn't good! Maybe, I could get into contact with Rena. In the past, this has never worked, but I'm desperate. It's worth a shot. Rena, do you hear me? I ask, hoping that she heard me.

Aqua? Rena's voice echoes through my head, as relief forms in the pit of my stomach. I've made contact! She can help! "We have been so patient with you," Tritannus says, slowly approaching me. "Now, you're left with another choice. Join us or your selkie dies."

My eyes widen in terror, as tears stream down my cheeks. Rena, please help me, I beg. I look at Tritannus, knowing that this is what he wanted all along. He wanted me to join him and figured out one of the only ways to do it.

My hair covers my eyes, as I fall to my knees. Why do I get myself into these situations? I can't do anything right! Why am I so weak? Aqua, I know where you are. Just hang on a little while longer, Rena states worriedly. I clench my fists in desperation, before getting to my feet. If they're on their way, then I have to keep Tritannus distracted long enough for them to save us.

"Why are you doing this, Tritannus?" I demand. "I didn't even do anything to you!" He frowns, before glaring at me for a moment. I look at Nissa through the corners of my eyes, as she trembles in fear.

"Aqua, you have always been the person that understood me the most," he responds. "We were inseparable. In a way, we were the same." I meet his gaze, as anger floods within me.

"I'm nothing like you!" I shout. "While I work hard to become stronger and gain new forms, you steal it from others! We're not the same!" His face hardens, as he exchanges a look with Icy. Nissa stares at me, with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Leave them alone!" A familiar voice calls. I glance in that direction, as the Winx approach us. Relief forms in the pit of my stomach, as a smile appears on my lips. Aisha sends an orb at the mutants, launching them to the ground. Rena swims towards me and embraces me in a hug, as tears stream down my cheeks. "You're okay, Aqua. We're here..." She murmurs.

I turn around to glare at Tritannus, who intently stares at me. "Nissa!" I call, as she manages to free herself. "Swim away." She scurries away, as Bloom's eyes land on Daphne. I lower my head in dismay, knowing that we have to go. 

"Winx, we have to go," Bloom says softly, with her hair covering her eyes. "We got Aqua, and she's safe." Bloom looks at her older sister and clenches her fists in desperation. All I wanted was to save Daphne. But, I'm too weak. Weak.

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