Out of the Frying Pan

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-Several Days Ago-

Sterling is pointing his gun at some strangers by the village gates

Sterling: Stay. Away. Get back!

"W-Wait! W-We need help!!"

"Mom, do something!"

"We have a kid with us! She's hurt and really needs help! Please let us in!"

Sterling: I said stay away. Get back or I shoot!

"Mom!!! Dad!!"

"What the hell do we do, Jett?!"

Jett: Listen, our daughter is bitten! She's going to turn unless we.. you.. y-you know.. Please, you need to help us, PLEASE understand! We'll do ANYTHING!

Sterling: I will count to three, If you aren't gone in 3 seconds then you are being shot.

Jett: UGH! Kat, we need to go find someone else..

Sterling: One..

Kat: No, I need to help our daughter! PLEASE, SIR, WE'LL DO ANYTHING! PLEASE!!

Sterling: Two..

Jett: Kat! We can find someone else! Trust me- Let's not cause any trouble with this guy- We just stumbled upon the wrong village and can try another one! Please, Kat, PLEASE! For our daughter! For me! For our group!!!

???: Mom!

Kat: I'm sorry Jenny.. I'm sorry Jett.. I have to do this..

Kat points her gun at Sterling- Sterling immediatly shoots Kat in the head

Jett: NO!!

Jenny: MOM!!!

Sterling steps back, instantly regretting what he's done..

Sterling: W-Wh.. Wh.. What is happening to me..

Sterling starts crying, and runs back into the village- the gates close, as the family's cries are heard in the distance


-Present Day-

The winds blow gently, the rain had just stopped and the group has since set up a campfire in the village

Sterling: I've regretted that ever since.. Times have just been tough on me around then, and.. I even also.. Um.. Killed myself afterwards..

Amber: I remember that. I didn't know WHAT to even do with you.

Sterling: Y-Yeah, I know..

Mila: It's a good thing you didn't do it to yourself. I really hope they're okay..

Sterling: I want to find them someday and just.. Apologize, so badly.. It's just haunted me for so long, too..

Olivia: I can't imagine..

Sterling: I ruined their lives..

Amber: No Sterling, no you didn't..

Olivia: Didn't you say she was bitten?

Sterling: She was bitten, yeah.. But I don't know if they found someone to chop her arm off.

Mila: I hope they did.

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