Chapter 71 | The Parcel of Dress Robes

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The spicy aroma of fresh cinnamon had stretched throughout the entire great hall for breakfast. There were large baskets full of warm croissants and small rolls of bread. The cauldrons were carrying a few different types of oatmeal. There were small bowls of fruit on the side, drizzled with a teaspoon of sugar. There were pitchers of the typical pumpkin juice and orange juice on the top of the four long wooden tables.

There were a few pitchers of warm cider on the top of the wooden tables due to the fact that the season of winter was approaching. There were kettles of warm water for tea and coffee. There was a basket of different types of teabags, laying in the middle of the long tables. There was a small pitcher of creamer off to the side. And there were bowls of sugar for the tea.

The different types of owls were flying into the entrance of the great hall, dropping letters for the students. Many of the students were sitting at the long wooden tables, grabbing various foods for their breakfast. There were a few students walking into the great hall, finding a seat next to their dearest friends. The great hall was a busy place in the early mornings.

The Patil twins were walking through the aisle of tables in the great hall, linking their arms together. They turned their heads and looked at a particular handsome boy, whispering to each other. They giggled to themselves, brushing past the famous dragon slayer with playful smiles on their faces.

"Hi Harry," Padma and Parvati said in a simultaneous motion. They brushed past the boy at the table, walking down the aisle of tables in the hall.

In response, Harry looked over his shoulder to view the two girls. He turned back around in his seat, showing no particular interest in either one of the twins. He directed his attention towards the girl sitting across from him at the table. He reached down and grabbed the gold goblet off the top of the table, bringing the drink towards his lips.

Slowly, Harry tipped his head backwards slightly to consume the beverage. He was keeping his eyes trained on her face, watching her nose scrunch. She was hiding behind a large newspaper, reading the absurd articles. She lifted her head and peered over the edge of the newspaper, catching the fourth year boy in the middle of his act.

He lowered the goblet from his lips, sending a warm smile towards her. The pumpkin juice dripped out of his mouth, landing in his lap. He looked down at himself, reaching forward to grab a napkin off the top of the table. Her lips curved into a genuine smile, pushing the newspaper in front of her face to hide the evident blush on her face.

"Did you read this?" Rose questioned, turning her head to look between her three different friends. "I can't believe it! She has done it again," she exclaimed in a tone of disbelief.

Her friend peered over her shoulder to read the newspaper clipping.

"Miss Black," Hermione said. "A plain but ambitious girl seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards. Her latest prey (sources report) is none other than a loyal bachelor: Cedric Diggory. No word yet on how Harry Potter is taking this latest emotional blow," Hermione concluded.

The black and white newspaper had a picture of the two embracing before the first task. The photograph was in the shape of a heart. The black words were surrounding the giant heart in the middle of the newspaper, sparking the interest of millions of readers.

"It's all nonsense," Rose stated. She reached up and grabbed the newspaper, crumpling it in her hands. She tossed it over her shoulder without a care in the world.

There was a young boy walking down the aisle of tables with three large packages in his grasp. He walked towards the group of fourth year students, placing the large packages on the empty bench. He handed the first package to the rightful owner.

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