Chapter 15

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"(Y/n)? (Y/n)!" Your 'brother' Jay sighed in relief once he located your broken form. He ran over to you before dropping to his knees in front of you.

He drunk in the sight of the barely conscious, hungry, thirsty, and tired girl in front of him. She looked up with happy (e/c) eyes.

"You found me." Came her raspy voice and he winced slightly but didn't answer. He went to work breaking the chains that bound her to the tree. Jay picked her up from the ground, holding her like a princess.

"Rest." The blonde ordered and began walking in the direction he came.

"Okay." (Y/n) nodded, relaxing into him as she dozed off into a much needed sleep.


When you woke up you expected to be in a bed, maybe even in the car, but not in some trashed old...shed ? What you really didn't expect was a .22 Pistol to be held between your eyes. Said (e/c) eyes traveled up the arm that held the gun and made contact with harsh, blue eyes. Jay's blue eyes.

"J-Jay ?" You could barely talk at this point. You were thirsty and your throat was raw from screaming earlier. He didn't answer, just glared at you.

"I saw the tape with Jessica on it." Your eyes widened in surprise. Tim had hidden that tape. How did Jay get a hold of it ?
"Why didn't you tell me ?!" He yelled, glaring at you as he waved the gun around a bit. You averted your eyes to the ground.

"I-I didn't want to hurt you." You rasped out and roughly grabbed your chin, making look at him. He didn't say anything, you just stared at each other before he let you go.

"Nothing personal. I just needed to lure Tim here." He stated, looking over at you as he checked to make sure the pistol was loaded.

His eyes were still the same blue colour, but held something...different, more sinister. This wasn't Jay anymore, seeing the Jessica video must've pushed him over the edge. Unfortunately, you didn't know about said video so you just felt hurt, confused, betrayed, take your pick.

"Jay..." You trailed off, sobbing. Your throat burned from the use but at this point you didn't care, you just wanted Tim and Brian.


Brian tore through the forest, looking around wildly for his girlfriend. He was terrified that Alex had gotten her, or maybe one of the residents but that was doubtful as him and Tim had kept their relationship quiet.

The hooded man had half a mind to scream her name, but that would just alert the captor of his presence. Brian is agile from years of training with Toby and 'Masky.' So he easily, and quickly, moved through the forest. He stopped when he heard voices only a few feet away from him. He silently made his way to the source of the pained whines and swearing.

"Tim ?" Came his robotic voice as he spoke into the phone.

"I think I found her." There was a pause.

"That old shed that Toby tried to make into a clubhouse for Sally that one time." Brian explained, looking at the falling apart, red shack. After a moment Brian hung up with the conformation that Tim would be there quickly.  

Marble Hearts (Tim/Masky x Reader x Brian/Hoodie)Where stories live. Discover now