"Malfoy, "Harry said. His voice was dripping with confusion.

"I have ordered everyone to start talking to you again." Lucius said the first thing that came into his mind.

Harry raised his eyebrow."Why, thank you. I'm honoured your Highness." He said sarcastically before looking back to the book he was reading.

Lucius was at a loss of words. He was used to people being grateful to him for little things he did for them. Harry was certainly not one of them. He didn't even care about his existence. During the long period in which he was bullied by most of the house members he never came to him for his help like he thought. He was finding him difficult to approach.

"Do you have anything else to say? Or are you about done?" Harry said after a few moments when Lucius made no sign of going away.

"Look, I didn't know that you're a parseltongue or I would have never out casted you." Lucius said in a defending tone.

"When did I accuse you of anything even remotely? I was better off left alone. This last one month has been a Merlin's gift. I prefer it that way." Harry said in a taunting tone.

"You like being alone? Are you a loner or what?" Lucius asked incredulously.

Harry rolled his eyes."Being alone is better than talking with people who think they have done the world a favour just by taking birth." Harry said bitterly and got up and went to his dorms.

Lucius stood there like statue. No one in his life so far has talked to him in such a snobbish way. He was always respected or sometimes worshipped just for being a Malfoy. It has always been like this since he has gained consciousness. But this boy was always far apart from being normal. He had his own personal set of thoughts. Lucius was now determined to make this friendship work.

Lucius Malfoy was rather persistent in his goal. He used every opportunity he got to gain Harry's friendship. After a few days Harry understood the whole agenda of this sudden want to become his friend perfectly. So he decided to act like a perfect Slytherin. He acted as if he has accepted his friendship and now the whole Slytherin body placed him in a rank just next to Malfoy. The Marauders on the other hand was rather stunned by the sudden change in events. Two months ago, the Slytherins bet the shit out of Harry and now they were acting as if he was someone next to Merlin. They couldn't find heads or tail of the whole incident.

It was a Sunday afternoon. The Marauders were sitting beside the black lake, basking themselves in the bright sunlight.

"What do you think must have happened to suddenly change Potter's position from being out casted to now being treated like the king of the Slytherin house?" Sirius asked confusedly.

"I don't know. Everything about this guy is rather confusing. Every time I start deciphering one of the puzzles, he creates a new one of higher difficulty level. It's getting rather frustrating. And he would still not talk to us." James said annoyed.

"Maybe every Slytherins treat him like a king but he never acts like one. He is rather kind to all other houses. Always helps the younger years and talks to everyone respectfully and politely; be it pureblood, half-blood or muggle-born, he talks to everyone in a same way." Remus said.

"The only person I've seen him being rude or taunting is Lucius Malfoy and our precious Wormtail." Sirius started sniggering. Peter huffed and rolled his eyes.

"I'll never understand what his problem is with me. From the moment he met me I've only seen him sneering at me. Merlin knows what I've done to him." Peter said pouting.

Sirius opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by loud screeching sound. They all looked up at once to see the white eagle from the shrieking shack. The eagle flew and perched on Sirius's shoulder. It started rubbing his head at his cheek affectionately. Sirius lifted his hand to pet the eagle while smiling brightly. They were all awed by the beauty of the bird.

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