From a reader to a writer

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Do you know that the small line between being a reader and a writer can be daunting for some of us as readers.
Really we loved the stories our favourite writers have written for us and that its almost unthinkable if not impossible for us to be like them. For me at least that is what it's has been.

I have always wondered how these beautiful writings could be conjured up in the mind of the writer and constructed on covers of a book. It has always amazed me how these words managed to shift our feelings and empower our minds whilst we as passionate readers enjoy our selves reading it.

I came to know that all it takes to go from being an avid reader to a distinguished writer is an imaginative mind flowing with creativity, a wholesome ideas to get you started and appreciation for the written art something you already have as a reader.

Now I know this might be inconclusive but I've always thought to be writer is to be a reader.

The words that is conjured up by the writer is appreciated by the reader. It is very rare for one to be a writer without being a reader first. I am still learning what it means to be a writer and what it means to write words that change the way others think and feel.

Eventually I will look on to those whose writings have left imprints on my mind as an inspiration to write more and journey these road only as a writer would understand.

I hope what is coming ahead for me as a budding writer is enjoyable and exhilarating at the same time. Now I have no way to be sure of this but hoping is all it is for now anyway.

That's me writing my thoughts away.

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