"Oh shut up will you?" Mr. Onus said behind his shoulder, his eyes simultaneously glaring at you.

You raised your head, finally recognizing that voice. It was the same pitch tone as that creature who stalked you in town more than a week ago. He looked the same height, too. You pinched your brows and then decided this could be an advantage. You looked around yourself; your weapons were most likely confiscated and you needed something sharp to cut the rope on your wrists. You found nothing, and you don't want to waste anymore time.

You formulated a small plan to escape in your head as you roughly pulled the gag from your lips. Your mouth burned and the corner of your lips stung, but you wouldn't let this unphase you. "You've been to Montressor, haven't you?" You asked casually, licking the raw skin on the corners of your lips, then grimacing.

Onus didn't answer, he just raised his cutlass and began sharpening it. You grinned.

"Shorty, I'm talking to you," you tried again.

This time, he turned around with glares, "What?"

"You heard me the first time. You were stalking me last week weren't you. In town?"

He scowled, but before he could respond, rustling was heard from ahead and a few moments later, Silver popped out. Immediately, Onus stood up.

"Found them, Captain?"

Silver's eyes landed on yours, it was discreet, and they held an emotion you couldn't comprehend. Then he looked at your ungagged mouth. He looked back at Onus. "No. They're gone. We're gonna search the area before taking off."

Your eyes widened and hope fluttered in your heart. You almost sighed with relief.

"Aye aye, Captain," Onus said.

"Stay here and keep an eye in here, ya hear me?"

"Aye, captain."

Silver left, and Onus turned around with an evil grin. "Well, then, looks like yer friends survived," he said in his high pitched voice. "Good thing, too. I would like to see them die in front of you. Dying this way was boring." He grinned maliciously before turning his back to you and sitting down.

Is this guy really that confident or just plain stupid to have left you facing his back? Doesn't matter, it is now or never. You need to find everyone and formulate a plan to escape this planet. You have a strange feeling you know where to look.

You leaned forward, eyeing Onus' cutlass as he stupidly leaned the hilt against the wooden seat. "Hey, Shorty, does your ass still hurt from that fireblast? I guess you can't get your head out of your ass anymore and you'll be stubborn forever."

Onus turned around angrily, but before he could speak or raise himself, you stood up fast and kicked his eyes. He grunted and then stumbled backward and fell out the longboat. You snatched his small cutlass and stood on the edge of the boat and nearly stumbled. The drop was about ten feet, a plain sand clearing wad below. Without hesitating, you dropped the cutlass first and watched as it clattered below. Then you quickly dropped down and, at the right time, you put yourself in a ducking position and rolled on the ground and landed on your stomach. You gasped, the breath knocked out of your lungs.

"Hey, get back here!"

You scrambled to your feet--which was difficult with your hands tied--and turned around and snatched the cutlass from the ground and fled to the forest. Your bound wrists made it difficult to run, but you refused to stop and break them with the cutlass for you would lose too much time.

Running around the jungle seemed to open something in your mind. You knew which direction to go, no matter how many deliberate wrong turns you made to confuse the pirates as they maybe chasing you. You used the cutlass with both hands to cut vines and eventually the rope around your wrists. You ran much faster after that.

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