Caught and escape... Revival in love.

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I'm having a little problem maybe you can help. I'm caught between two worlds I'm a nervous wreck.
My walls and lineage are destroyed by genetics, and ancient history. How the fuck is it my fault that I'm a fucking half breed?
Didn't you ever hear that the child is not responsible for the sins of their "white" father? Did you ever think the first people's turned to booze because on the Rez they ain't got clean water? Maybe that white people aren't all bad, that indigenous people choose drugs to numb the pain of residential school impact? Inter generational, passed down abuse affecting how the people think, way they raise their kids,  why they start shooting crank.
It's the 21st century why the fuck isn't this shit clear enough not just for me?
I'm battling genetics and am outcasted for things done in history. It's outlandish to think there is no hope of reconciliation and recompense from people that sit in positions of power that keep on thinking it's ok to attack. They can be taught the error of there ways, they just need help and need to be guided to a different day.
But why the fuck they still fighting give the people what their owed! And don't blame the white children and immigrants for the sins of the old.
I'm sorry my people did this to you, and I also want an apology to the other half of me too.
The point of religion wasn't to subvert, it was to coexist and spread the word whichever you choose to be heard. Each piece of the land has a story to tell.
Jesus Christ didn't damn the people when he rose from hell on that third day.
So why the fuck are the betters of the world damning the people we owe everything that we have when they tried to share their way.
Why the fuck does religion become a subterfuge for murder and abduction, I'm not even racist I'm trying to repair this obstruction of justice, I want my indigenous family by my side in order to repair the animosity and stigmas, misconceptions all have to die.
We in this together no one man can wield the die please keep each other in check.

I'm having a little problem a little problem... Maybe you can help... I'm caught between two worlds I'm a hopeful wreck...

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 25, 2018 ⏰

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