"Kwenchana. Take your time son. Bring her to our world when both of you are ready"

"Sorry eomma. I let you down"

"No, son. You did great protecting your Mongji"

"Gumawo eomma. Saranghae. i got to class now. annyeong!"

then our connection called off

I was about to go out from the toilet









My servant called me

i was shocked

he rarely talks to me

what i mean by rarely was

he's going to tell me good news ..

or bad news

"Master, I have been called by Young Master Seo to give you a warning about Jiejie. Let me bring you to Young Master Seo's kingdom"

I hold on my servant tight and we recite our spells and a blackhole appears infront of us and we entered

We're travelling to My sister's kingdom.

"We have arrived master. I let you talk to Young Master Seo alone"


My servant smiled and left

Knock knock

"Come in you hoe"

"Yah! your language. Its Oppa. O-P-P-A, OPPA. Aigoo this brat"

"Hehe, Saranghae ❤" she gives me a cute smile

"Meh hate you too" i thrust out my red tongue

"Ok ok. Here's what you need to know" She handed me her crystal ball

She mumbles her spell

and i can see my Jiejie, crying?

"What's make she cry?!"

"Sorry oppa, i can't tell you about it. Its beyond the Wizard's rules but whats important is that you need to keep her safe. If not you had to find her for the next 1000yrs. Dont let her suffer like before and dont make history repeats itself again"

"Please help me. Tell me whats happening!"

"Sorry bro but Wizard's secrets cant be shared with hobbits. Its against the rules"

"Hmm, nevermind. Thanks for letting me know. I must go now to see my Jiejie"

My sister must have seen disappointment in my face

"Oppa, wait"


"Fine i only tell you one thing but not directly to my point"


"im going to tell you a hint. well not really a hint but a thing you must do ASAP"

"What is it?"

"Tell her about me"

"You? Why must it be you? and not me?"

"Sorry, cant tell you that much. Bye now"

"Meh, Oke bye. Thanks lil sis"

I travelled back to the real world and wait for Ils to came

20mins-25mins later, She came

she asked my why did i skip class

well ofc i would not tell her

'oh i went to another world' lol

so i just said something came up


here's goes nothing

i slowly get into the topic

"Oh .. oke, so what did u wanna tell me?" she asked

"You remember when i asked you abt imaginary friend?"

"What? uh? oh yeah! i remember. U wanna tell me bout it now?"



"actually, lets skip that. what im going to tell you about is my sister"

"What about your sister?"

"She's .. a .. wizard"

She suddenly had a headache

and she's grab my arms that was on the table

her grips tightening

"Ils??? You ok???"

Her grips is loosing and

she fainted

I gasps

its the simbol for

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

its the simbol for













-To be continued-

** On hiatus for the moment bcs my preliminary olevel exams are around the corner huehue wish me luck

Imaginary Friend || Jun UNB fanfic Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat