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"I know this sounds weird but like an imaginary friend?"

i stopped

i looked at the floor

how did he know?

i didnt talk to imaginary Jun all day

then i looked up

i can see imaginary Jun standing there

His face ..

He's like

He know all of this

will happen

"Why?" I looked at human Jun

then we continue to walk to our class

we pass by Imaginary Jun and he said to me to tell him the truth.

"If i tell you, please dont call me crazy" Jun said

"Its okay, i wont"

"Actually-" Jun stopped

We arrived at our class and we entered

"I'll tell you when class end."

"Okay Jun" i replied in worried

I couldn't focus the whole time

i questioned myself

how did he know?

Did i talked to imaginary Jun?

Did he caught me?

Or did he see me talking to Jun in the car?

What makes he think i have one?

What connection he has with imaginary Jun?

Is that the real Jun?

wait ..





Does he have





an imaginary friend?

Human Jun's POV

Should i tell her the truth?

i dont want her to think im crazy ..

Im sure i have that feelings

I even see him with her

Im sure its her

He even gave me the signal

hold on ..






He even shouted Il laa's name!

Flashback (At the hall)


i heard a voice

same as mine

calling someone?

i looked around and see my servant?

He gave me the signals

I followed him and see a girl

going to the car

with my servant?

are they talking?

Back to reality

The class finally ends

Ils dont stop asking me what i was going to tell her just now

i was nervous to tell her the truth

i bring her to the rooftop

"so? what are you talking about imaginary friend just now?" she asked

"Ahh actually" scratching back of my head

i was about to her the truth but im not sure

plus, my servant was not there

so i decided to keep it a secret


"Sorry to make you curious but i'll tell you the real thing when time have come"

she smiled and nodded

thankfully she doesn't think im crazy for now

Song Il Laa's POV

does he have to make me curious


for goodness sake there's 0.01% chances people in this world except me ofc, believed in imaginary people

but i act normal to avoid human Jun to think that im crazy

-Time skip-

i arrived at home

i ran to my room and called imaginary Jun




i whispered

then he appears

"So? Did you tell him the truth?"

"He doesnt tell me about it! He said that he'll tell me when time have come"

"Aigo that boy is lying to me again"

"Lying? to you? you talked to him? wait .. CAN HE SEE YOU TOO?"

"shit. uh uh uh .. BYE GTG!"

then Jun disappeared

i cant hold my curiosity anymore

so i decided to text human Jun

"Hye Jun, its Ils. What do you mean by Imaginary friend? do you have one too?"

-to be continued-

Imaginary Friend || Jun UNB fanfic Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin